Commercial advertisements, as a significant part of the visual communication network, besides leaving direct impacts on the audience in the field of commodity sale, have many indirect effects on upbringing and orientation of audience societys attitude. The present research, employing Norman Faircloughs discourse analysis method, is an attempt to study the way of representation of womens image in TV advertisements. After a precise reading of a set of 500 TV advertisements of detergent powders, hygienic materials, cosmetics, home appliances and kitchenware in 2016, five cases were picked up that were aired in all seasons by the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Organization. Focusing on the relationship between the text and context, the results indicate that contrary to the previous perception of researchers, the representation of womans image in the commercial advertisements is not limited to the stereotype image of a consumer, inactive and ignorant housewife; rather the recently produced advertisements are moving towards the promotion of a new discourse based on valuing womens status and approximating them to their present position as an active, wise and able member of the Iranian society.