The scientific literature of Technology Management presents a considerable level of consensus on the necessity, as well as the significance, of precisely monitoring and predicting future needs on the one hand and technological breakthroughs on the other. This stems from fast-moving technology developments, globalization of competitions and markets, accelerated technological innovations, and shrinkage of technology life cycle; which is why technology intelligence is suggested at all organizational levels in order to spot technology opportunities and threats and optimize technology-related decision making in such a versatile environment. In the last few years technology intelligence has been approached by many a researcher from various perspectives. Therefore, familiarization with their findings would make significant contributions to an inclusive understanding of technology intelligence in the areas like improvement of planning and decision-making, and enhancement of the organization's technological learning level. In view of the above, the current paper aims to review the theoretical foundations and research literature on technology intelligence including definitions, structure, process, players, methods, and technological intelligent tools. In the end of the paper, some managerial and theoretical suggestions are proposed.