نتیجه یافت شد
اعمال فیلتر
تعداد صفحات
انتقال به صفحه
مشاهده شمارگان
مقاله نشریه
نسخه فارسی
Maternal iron-deficiency is associated with premature birth and higher birth weight despite routine antenatal iron supplementation in an urban South African setting: The NuPED prospective study
بازدید 26
Factors associated with newborn care knowledge and practices in the upper Himalayas
بازدید 30
Exposure to marital conflict: Gender differences in internalizing and externalizing problems among children
بازدید 16
Quality of life and associated factors among patients with breast cancer under chemotherapy at Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
بازدید 35
The importance of assigning responsibility during evaluation in order to increase student satisfaction from physical education classes: A structural equation model
بازدید 41
Comorbidity of age related macular degeneration with Alzheimer's disease: A histopathologic case-control study
Comparative analysis of postural control and vertical jump performance between three different measurement devices
Implementation of home blood pressure monitoring among French GPs: A long and winding road
بازدید 42
Correlates of prenatal and postnatal mother-to infant bonding quality: A systematic review
بازدید 28
Measuring compassionate healthcare with the 12-item Schwartz center compassionate care scale
بازدید 71
Clinical outcomes with neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy for triple negative breast cancer: A report from the National Cancer Database
بازدید 46
Ground reaction forces and muscle activity while walking on sand versus stable ground in individuals with pronated feet compared with healthy controls
A ten-year review of ESBL and non-ESBL Escherichia coli bloodstream infections among children at a tertiary referral hospital in South Africa
بازدید 29
The impact of admission serum lactate on children with moderate to severe traumatic brain injury
بازدید 12
Mindfulness-and acceptance-based interventions for patients with fibromyalgia-A systematic review and meta-analysis
بازدید 33