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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Introduction: Venous access in neonates is a basic yet critical component in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Central venous access and peripheral intravenous access are mostly preferred for delivering medications and intravenous fluids. This study aimed to compare the risks involved in central venous catheters and peripheral intravenous lines among term neonates. Methods: A prospective cohort study was carried out among 78 term neonates in the NICU of a tertiary care center in puducherry in India. Convenience sampling technique was used to enroll the neonates who met the inclusion criteria. Data pertaining to demographic and clinical characteristics, cannulation details, indwelling time, and incidence of thrombosis, phlebitis, occlusion, extravasation, and sepsis were collected by direct observation and from case record. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21. To analyze the data, descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation and inferential statistics including Fisher’ s exact test were utilized. Results: Our findings indicated that the risks of thrombosis and phlebitis were significantly higher in peripheral intravenous line group than the central venous group. There was no statistically significant association between the risks and demographic and clinical characteristics in both of the venous access system. Conclusion: According to our results, the use of central venous catheter among neonates showed lower risks than peripheral intravenous lines. Hence, using central venous catheter may be given priority in the NICUs.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 104

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Introduction: Mothers with preterm infants experience numerous stressful problems which can have negative effects on maternal role adaptation. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of consultation using a problem-solving approach on adaptation to the maternal role in women with late preterm infants. Methods: This randomized controlled trial (RCT) was carried out on 80 women with spontaneous late preterm infants recruited at Ayatollah Mousavi Hospital of Zanjan. Using convenience sampling method, the participants were assigned into two groups of intervention and control according to block design. Taking a problem-solving approach, counselling was carried out individually in four sessions. The control group received only routine care. The data were collected using adaptation to maternal role questionnaire including 33 items based on a fivepoint Likert scale ranging in seven areas, in two steps (before counselling and one month after the last counselling session). Data analysis was performed using the SPSS ver. 16. 0 software (SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). Results: The total score of adaptations to maternal role and its areas was significantly higher in the intervention group after the follow-up period. Conclusion: A comprehensive counselling including various dimensions of maternity adaptation had a positive effect on improving the adaptation to maternal role in mothers with late preterm infants.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 123

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Introduction: Women with high-risk pregnancy are at increased risk of depression and anxiety during pregnancy, as well as a less favorable parent-infant interaction. This study aimed to investigate the effect of midwife-led psycho-education intervention on parental stress, competency, and postpartum depression in nulliparous women hospitalized with high-risk pregnancy. Methods: This randomized controlled trial was carried out on 66 nulliparous women admitted to the high-risk pregnancy ward of Kamali Hospital, Karaj, Iran. Using convenient sampling method, the mothers were randomly assigned to control and intervention groups. In addition to routine care, the intervention group received four sessions of midwife-led psycho-education intervention in two group sessions in pregnancy and two individual sessions immediately after delivery. The parental stress, parental competency, and postpartum depression questionnaires were used for data collection before, after, and one month after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS software ver. 13. 0. Repeated-measures ANOVA test was used for comparing the mean scores of parenting stress, parental competency, and depression between and within both study groups before, after, and one month after delivery. Results: While postpartum depression and parental stress decreased in intervention group, parental competency increased. Conclusion: Our findings indicated that midwife-led psycho-education was effective on parental stress, competency, and postpartum depression in high-risk pregnancy mothers. Accordingly, prenatal distress in high-risk pregnancies should be assessed routinely.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 227

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Introduction: Self-care programs can raise health in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS). This study aimed to identify the self-care behaviors and determinants in patients with MS according to the Health Belief Model (HBM). Methods: In this cross-sectional study, we included 280 MS patients through convenience sampling method. The collection tool was a self-administered questionnaire based on HBM. The participants were the members of MS society in Kerman, Iran. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, path analysis, and multivariable linear regression in SPSS software Version 22. Results: The mean (SD) score for self-care practices was 2. 86 (0. 64), and medication adherence was the most conducted practice. The perceived benefits and cues to action exerted positive influence on self-care practices. The most frequent symptoms experienced by the participants were fatigue (82. 5%), visual impairment (76. 4%), headaches (72. 1%), and muscle weakness (71. 4%). The most important cues to action for self-care behavior were the physician (77%), media (52%), and other MS patients (32%). Conclusion: The quality of life (QOL) of MS patients is heavily influenced by self-care behaviors. In this study, only about half of the patients accomplished self-care behaviors, which seems to be insufficient. Since the perceived benefits and cues to action are the main predictors of selfcare practices, intervention based on these two constructs can be utilized to promote self-care programs and QOL in MS patients. Health-care providers should pay more attention to these factors for promoting self-care behaviors.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 160

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Introduction: Peripheral intravenous catheters (PICs) patency techniques such as flushing are being developed. According to some studies, flushing can be used continuously or in pulsatile forms. This study aimed to compare the effects of pulsatile flushing (PF) and continuous flushing (CF) on time and type of PICs patency. Methods: In this double-blind randomized clinical trial, 71 patients were randomly assigned into two groups of PF (n = 35) and CF (n = 36). The PF protocol was performed as successive injections of 1 mL normal saline (N/S) per second (sec) with a delay of less than 1 sec until the completion of 5 mL of solution. However, CF protocol was performed by injecting 5 mL N/S within 5 sec without any delay before and after each medicine administration. Data related to the time and type of PICs patency were collected using a patency checklist every 12 hours (h) up to 96 h. The statistical analysis was done by R statistical software (Version 3. 5. 1). Results: The results showed that the number of PICs remaining open was not significantly different between PF and CF groups during 96 h. The highest number of PICs excluded from the study was related to the time of 96 h as a result of partial patency in the two groups. Conclusion: There was no difference between CF and PF regarding the time and type of PICs patency. Thus, both techniques can be used to maintain the catheter patency.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 153

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Introduction: More than half of women in Iran experience intimate partner violence (IPV). This study aimed to explore IPV in women with breast cancer (BC) in Ardabil, Iran. Moreover, the predictors of violence and women’ s reactions against violence were examined. Methods: Using a convenient sampling method, the current cross-sectional study was performed on 211 women with BC in northwest of Iran. To collect data, a questionnaire consisting of demographic characteristics and items based on PRECEDE-PROCEED model and women’ s reaction to violence was used. Data were analyzed using SPSS Ver. 20 and descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In this study, 190 (90%) subjects reported that they had experienced IPV in the preceding year. Only 27(12. 8%) women were familiar with all forms of violence. Moreover, 141 (66. 8%) and 160 (75. 8%) women had no access to counseling centers and life skill training courses, respectively. Women mostly had adopted emotion-oriented coping strategies when facing IPV. The results of multivariate regression analysis indicated that enabling factors and knowledge were predictors of problem-oriented coping strategies in women. Conclusion: Empowered women, for the most part, were better educated and had more access to social resources than others. Therefore, empowering women can help reduce the amount of violence they might have to encounter. It is essential that supporting and empowering centers for women be established in the society and efficient laws be enacted to fight IPV.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 129

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Introduction: Adopting health-promoting lifestyle might be affected by a variety of factors. The existing evidence suggests that social support can improve health by fulfilling physical and mental needs. This study aimed to investigate the association between social support and health-promoting lifestyle in Pregnancy. Methods: Using multistage cluster sampling method, this cross-sectional study was conducted on 360 pregnant women. Data were collected using three questionnaires, including a selfreported demographic and obstetric, health-promoting lifestyle profile and perceived social support questionnaires. Data were analyzed using a t-test, repeated measures ANOVA, and multivariate linear regression model with SPSS software ver. 21 with. Results: The mean (SD) of health-promoting behaviors was 135. 21(20. 03). Amongst the different dimensions of health-promoting behaviors, the highest mean was detected in spiritual growth 26. 84 (4. 90) and nutrition 26. 17 (4. 22), respectively. Meanwhile, the lowest scores were detected in sub-domains of stress management 19. 80 (3. 78) and physical activity 16. 71(4. 14), respectively. The mean (SD) of perceived social support was 60. 31 (14. 75), and 51. 7% of the participants had intermediate social support. Results indicated a significant difference between the mean score of Health-Promoting Lifestyle at different levels of social support. There was a direct and significant association between the scores of social support and health-promoting behavior (r = 0. 36; P < 0. 001). Conclusion: Pregnant women with better perception of social support had a better performance in adopting health-promoting Lifestyle. However, the status of health behaviors and social support was not favorable. Thus, there is a need to intervene and design programs to help pregnant women and improve their health.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 216

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Introduction: There is lack consensus on superiority of transparent vs. pressure dressing for prevention of post-cardiac catheterization pain, discomfort and hematoma. Therefore, we conducted this systematic review and meta-analysis of available RCTs on this subject. Methods: We performed a systematic search of RCTs published between in 2000-2019 in English language using databases including PubMed Medline, EMBASE, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, ERMED Journals, Clinical trials database, DELNET, Google Scholar and Discovery Search. Studies conducted on adult patients with femoral dressing after cardiac catheterization measuring pain, discomfort, hematoma as intended outcomes have been included. Data extraction, critical appraisal, assessment of risk bias was done and decisions on quality were made on mutual consensus. Mantel-Haenszel (MH) and odds ratio for dichotomous variables was calculated by Review Manager 5. 3 software. Results: Out of all identified studies, only 5 studies comprising 664 patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria and met the quality assessment. Incidence of discomfort (25, 333) were significantly less in transparent dressing group as compared to pressure dressing group (149, 331); odds ratio 0. 10, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0. 06-0. 15; I2 = 0%, P = 0. 00. Four studies reported significantly lower number of pain cases in transparent dressing (17, 203) as compared to pressure dressing (57, 201); odds ratio 0. 13, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0. 03-0. 59; I2 = 47%, P = 0. 01). However, incidence of hematoma did not reveal any significant difference between two groups. Conclusion: Transparent dressing is a better option in patients with femoral/groin dressing after cardiac catheterization as it is more effective in prevention of pain and discomfort.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 121

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