In the era of Tamerlane, a movement named Horofieh was established in Iran, by the leadership of Fazlollah Astar Abadi. He had interpreted the verses of Quran with new and incredible meanings, the base of his interpretations was the originality of letters. He was on this believe that everyone who wants to be familiar with the true meanings of the holy books and also wants to know the secrets which are hidden in the speeches of prophets, it is inevitable for him/her to know the meaning, characteristics, and secrets of the letters. Relying upon the secrets of the letters, he came to struggle with the feudalist government of Timur.Any way, appearance and spreading of the Horofieh ideas in Iran, was alol1g with punishments, problems and killings, The followers of this belief hadn' t any place in Iran, so they decided to asylum in Asia Minor. And they had continued their life as the dervishes of Baktash School. This school exists up to now. Among the branches of this school in Iran we can note to Noghtavie, that Mahmood Pesikhani was propagating it in Iran.