In Iranian traditional medicine, urine was used to diagnose the health status. In order to help in the diagnosis of diseases, the physician in Iranian traditional medicine took advantage of urine specimen, which was called Boul, Tafsereh, or implicitly Qarureh in different texts. It should be noted that in various traditional medicine texts, the time, condition, and method of obtaining the sample are discussed. Moreover, on the basis of quality in terms of color, appearance, other detailed differential diagnoses were made.In the current paper, we will address the viewpoints of traditional medicine on the method of obtaining a urine specimen (including the time and method of obtaining the sample, as well as the condition and place of keeping it). Furthermore, a brief overview will be provided on differential diagnoses achieved by analysis of nature and quality of urine including color, appearance, and odor, as well as the status of urine in different ages and conditions.