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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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same results or undergoes a drastic change (1). In other words, reliability refers to the stability of the results in the repetitive measurement of a scale. . . .

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The two main strategies for establishing justice in health are cross-sectoral cooperation and public participation (1, 4, 5). Cross-sectoral collaboration is a well-known relationship between the health sector and other sectors that have been created to take actions to achieve the final results or consequences of the health system so that it is more efficient and sustainable than just the health sector acting alone (1, 2, 6). . . .

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Introduction: Psychiatric problems like suicide, self-harm, and injurious behaviors are important and common in chronic diseases like diabetes. This study aimed to compare suicidal ideations and self-injurious behaviors in patients with type 2 diabetes with and without complications referring to diabetes research center in Yazd, 2017. Methods: In this case-control study, simple random sampling was used. The data were collected using standard questionnaires. Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSSI) was used to investigate suicidal ideations and Sanson questionnaire was used for self-injurious behaviors. Finally, the collected data were entered into SPSS version 19. Also, t-test was used to compare the means and Chi-square test was used to compare the frequency distributions. Result: A total of 360 patients were studied in two groups of 180 (complicated and non-complicated). Of these patients, 189 (52. 5%) were male and 171 (47. 5%) were female. Moreover, only 1 patient (0. 3%) had self-injurious thoughts and 1 patient (0. 3%) had high suicidal ideations. There was no significant difference between the frequency distribution of self-injurious thoughts and suicidal ideations in the two groups (p=0. 371). There was no significant difference between the frequency distribution of self-injurious thoughts and suicidal ideations in the two groups according to the gender (p=0. 285, p=0. 432). Conclusion: The results showed that the frequency of self-injurious thoughts and suicidal ideations in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients is low and the complications of the disease do not affect this abundance.

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بازدید 101

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Li Tay Chai | Afiqah AW Noor

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Introduction: Fetal pleural effusion is rarely seen in primary care setting. It is more commonly diagnosed among women with diabetes mellitus in pregnancy. Method: This report illustrates two patients with fetal bilateral pleural effusions, detected at 18-week and 24-week period of amenorrhea (POA) during routine antenatal scans by primary care doctors. Result: These two pregnancies were complicated with hydrops fetalis and resulted in fresh stillbirth and intra-uterine death. Conclusion: Primary healthcare providers play an important role in the early diagnosis of fetal congenital anomaly, counseling regarding the ultrasonography findings, neonatal outcome, and referral to obstetrician for further management and monitoring for maternal complications, such as polyhydramnios, preeclampsia, mirror syndrome, and depression as a result of hydrops fetalis.

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Introduction: Elevated narcissism in young people often sets up a cascade of interpersonal and mental health challenges which needs to understand its concomitants. This study aimed to explain the structural model of narcissism based on early trauma, family function and perceived parenting styles with the mediating role of perfectionism. Methods: This was an analytical cross-sectional study. The statistical population of the present study consisted of 20-45 year-old males and females referring to psychological clinics of Tehran in 2018-19. A sample of 350 people was also selected using convenience sampling method. Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI), the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ), the McMaster family assessment device, and Perceptions of Parents Scale (POPS) were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kurtosis using SPSS-22 software and structural equation modeling was used by Amos-24 software. The level of significant was (p<0. 05). Results: Comparative Fit index (CFI) was 0. 923, Tucker-Lewis Index (TLI), and Incremental Fit Index (IFI) was appropriate; since it exceeded 0. 90. Also, the Root Mean Square Error Approximation (RMSEA) was 0. 075 was in the acceptable range. Based on the path findings, the fitted model showed a positive impact of early life trauma on perfectionism (p<0. 01, β = 0. 12), the functioning of the family (p<0. 01, β = 0. 21), and the style of parenting (β = 0. 29, p<0. 01). Narcissism had a positive impact on family functioning (p<0. 01, β = 0. 40) directly from early life trauma (p <0. 01, β = 0. 18). Conclusion: As the experience of trauma increases early in life, the likelihood of developing perfectionist tendencies increases. This indicates that the better the parenting style and the better the family functioning, the lower the level of perfectionism.

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Introduction: The problems of girls and boys with mild intellectually disable (MID) increases with age gradually. Due to the emerging changes, puberty is a significant period for adolescents with MID. The aim of this study to investigate sexual abuse in girls and boys with mild intellectually disable in the puberty period. Methods: This research is a cross-sectional study. The statistical population consisted of all boys and girls with mild intellectual disabilities between the ages of 12 and 16 from exceptional public schools and their mothers in Yazd, Iran. 300 MID adolescents (150 girls and boys each) were selected by multistage sampling. To study sexual abuse, a self-designed questionnaire was used. The questionnaire comprised two sections. Kuder-Richardson coefficient obtained for boys and girls with MID turned out to be 0. 80 and 0. 84, respectively. Using frequency, percentage, and correlation coefficient (p<0. 05). Data were analyzed with SPSS 24. Results: In this study, 2. 67% (n = 4) of girls and 4% (n = 6) of boys with MID were abused. Also, their psychological and physical signs of sexual abuse were assessed (depression: girls, 0. 75% (n = 3), boys, 33. 33% (n = 2), aggression: girls, 0. 75% (n = 3), boys, 66. 66% (n = 4), avoiding certain adults, 0. 50% (n = 2), boys, 33. 33% (n = 2), sleep and eating disorder, 0. 25% (n = 1), boys, 16. 66% (n = 1). Some of their parents pointed that their children had not received training in this area. There was a significant positive correlation coefficient between the mother's educational level and receiving training by schools and family with sexual abuse knowledge (p<0. 05). Conclusion: The irrational reaction of families, the community, and the lack of adequate training lead to an increasein sexual abuse in such individuals. Hence, training these young individuals seems essential both before and during puberty.

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بازدید 66

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Introduction: Due to the necessity of careful planning in the human capital of health and the effect of imbalance of general physician supply on economy and health status, this study aimed to estimate general practitioners' (GPs) demand and predict general practitioners’ shortage and surplus in Iran. Method: This study was an analytical and applied study conducted at the national level for Iran in 2019 using ARIMA (5, 1, 1) method for projecting supply and Vector Error Correction (VEC) models for projecting demand with Gross Domestic Product (GDP), out-of-pocket, aging and hospital beds variables. Data were annual time series from 1991 to 2017, extracted from the statistical yearbooks issued by the Statistical Center of Iran and the World Bank database. The required models and tests were estimated by Eviews 10 software at a 0. 05 significance level. Results: The general practitioners’ elasticity to GDP, aging, and out-of-pocket were 0. 33, 1. 77, and-0. 81, respectively. GDP per capita (0. 11), aging (0. 14), and the number of hospital beds (0. 0007) had a positive impact, and out-ofpocket payments (-0. 0001) had a negative impact on demand for GPs in Iran. Also, from 2018 to 2030, the mean GPs demand (0. 23) was higher than the mean supply (0. 20), and there was a shortage of GPs in these years (0. 03). Conclusion: Iran is facing a shortage of GPs by 2030. Therefore, there are suggested policies for increasing the admissions capacity at medical universities, maintaining and preventing the migration of physicians with appropriate incentives, establishing rules, and providing job satisfaction for physicians.

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Introduction: Health is considered of utmost importance and can be assessed from various aspects. The social health assessment can be a good basis for planning to improve the general health of the target community. The present study was conducted to investigate the social health of Lamerd residents, a small town in Fars Province. Methods: The present study is descriptive and uses a researcher-made questionnaire as the instrument. The research population of the study is 60319 Lamerd residents over 20 years old in 2016, and using Cochran‟ s formula, a total of 382 people were selected through cluster sampling method. To describe social health, central tendency index of mean and dispersion index of standard deviation were used in SPSS version 24. The significance level was set at 0. 05. Results: In this study, 382 people were studied. Out of this number, 89 percent were male, and 66 percent were single. Most of the respondents belonged to the 30-35 age bracket. The findings showed that the mean social health (M=3. 03, Sd=0. 35) was at an average level. Among the evaluated dimensions of social health, the economic dimension was favorable (M=3. 09, Sd=0. 96). The social trust, as the most significant social capital index, was assessed and the results showed that the institutional trust was low (M=2. 14, Sd=0. 65). On the contrary, interpersonal trust was at a high level (M=3. 14, Sd=1. 13). The social harms indicator was at a high level (M=3. 07, Sd=0. 87), yet physical and mental health were rated as average and low, respectively. Considering life expectancy, the sampling assumed that the life span of the residents has shortened (M=3. 75, Sd=0. 76), and on education and literacy, their responses proved a moderately high tendency towards academic promotion and towards studying technical majors (M=3. 14, Sd=0. 9). The environmental condition indicator was also rated as unfavorable, and noise, air, and marine pollution were high (M=2. 84, Sd=0. 84). Conclusion: Considering the importance of social health, investigating its different aspects through panel designs can be an appropriate analytical instrument for sociologists, pathologists, and health planners to move from unfavorable conditions to an optimal state.

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بازدید 82

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SHABANI JAFAR | Sargolzaie Najme

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Introduction: The prevalence of overweight and obesity is increasing at an alarming rate. They both have two-way communication with one's emotional stresses and psychological distresses. Methods: This research is a descriptive-correlation study. The sample size included 370 female high school students in Gonbad, Galikesh, Azadshahr, and Kalaleh, in the east of Golestan province (Iran) in 2018. To select the participants, 370 students with a body mass index (BMI) between 25 and 29. 9 kg/m² were selected as samples, and the Emotional Intelligence (EQ) questionnaire was handed out Pearson's correlation and regression analyses were also employed in this study (p<0. 05). Results: The results demonstrated that there is a direct, yet inverse relationship between students’ total EQ (r=-0. 465, p= 0. 01), intrapersonal (r=-0. 421, p= 0. 01), interpersonal (r=-0. 325, p= 0. 01), adaptability (r=-0. 391, p= 0. 01), stress management (r=-0. 401, p= 0. 01), general mood (r=-0. 383, p= 0. 01), and their overweight. Also the Regression Analysis findings show that the EQ sub-scales are significant predictors for overweight R2 = 0. 431, F = 39. 457, and (p= 0. 00). It suggests that the higher the EQ and its subscales scores among the students increase, the less weight they own, and vice versa. Conclusion: The findings of this study will enhance social public awareness of the side-effects of overweight, equipping the public with some counseling to lose weight through using EQ for students suffering overweight.

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Introduction: Implementing any intervention in the community requires identifying and organizing the community as well as actively involving members of the community. This study was conducted to identify and organize one of the suburbs of Yazd in 2019. Method: This research was a community-based participatory research (CBPR), which was handled in the Yazd Eskan neighborhood. Considering the potentials of this neighborhood, including high social cohesion and the existence of a dynamic and popular non-governmental organization, since 1396, this place has been a candidate for the implementation of empowerment and optimal development of neighborhood health (Tabassum project). The steps of this project involved five steps of area identification, organizing, empowerment, requirement assessment, and intervention, and action. In this paper, the identification and organizing steps are explained. Frequency and percentage were used for descriptive statistics. Results: The executive steps in the identification phase were stakeholder justification and census, in which most of the study population were women (51. 5%), age group 59. 9-30 years (40. 1%), diploma (27%), with an income of 1-2 million (49. 1%). %) Formed. Selected neighborhoods included 61. 4% women, 37. 08% aged 30-50 years, 28. 13% bachelors and 53. 13% housewives. According to the results of this study, most of the people in this community who were more willing and free to participate in this project were young housewives with a bachelor's degree. In the phase of organizing the neighborhood clustering steps, the selection of Sarkhosheh, The Forming a Neighborhood Health Club (NHC), The Foundation Of Thought & Credit Fund (TCF) was done. Conclusion: Identifying and organizing the community, especially in the suburbs, provides a transparent and logical process for the community to participate purposefully in identifying the problems of their neighborhood. Paying attention to the basic needs of neighborhoods can lead to better participation in neighborhood development.

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Introduction: There are several determinants involved in drug abuse, some of which, especially social factors, can be changed and corrected; therefore, more effective prevention programs can be implemented by recognizing them. This case study aimed to determine the social factors of addiction in middle-aged population living in Yazd city. Methods: In this case-control study conducted during 2019-2020, 150 substance users who referred to methadone maintenance treatment centers (MMTCs) were involved in a case group and 150 subjects, matched in terms of sex and age, were selected as a control group. The cases were selected by cluster sampling method from Yazd MMTCs. The witnesses were selected from the neighbors of the cases. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire that consisted of three parts, including demographic questions, economic and social factors, and substance abuse-related questions. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts and its reliability by Cronbach's alpha coefficient which was 0. 75. The cases were selected by cluster sampling from MMTCs. The data were analyzed using SPSS software and Binary logistic regression model was used to find the related characteristics. Results: The results of logistic regression model showed that individuals working in non-profit organizations had the highest share in relation to substance user, with an odds ratio of 4. 65 (OR=4. 65, 95%CI: 1. 4-15. 38, P=0. 01). The use of drugs, substance user’ s first-degree relatives, and substance user’ s friends with odds ratios of (OR=3. 4, 95%CI: 1. 87-6. 2, P=0. 0001), (OR=2. 97, 95%CI: 1. 5-6. 03, P=0. 002), and (OR=2. 6, 95%CI: 1. 43-4. 75, P=0. 002). respectively, were significantly related to substance user and had the highest risk for substance user. (P = 0. 0001). Conclusion: The results of this study indicated that substance users had more social risk factors compared to the general population. Therefore, planned measures to reduce these risk factors among the community, especially young people and their friends, by family, and community officials are necessary. Family plays a decisive role in choosing a friend for their children.

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