نتیجه یافت شد
اعمال فیلتر
تعداد صفحات
انتقال به صفحه
مشاهده شمارگان
مقاله نشریه
نسخه فارسی
Mitochondrial DNA copy number in cervical exfoliated cells and risk of cervical cancer among HPV-positive women
بازدید 17
Breast cancer screening beliefs questionnaire: psychometric properties of the Persian version
بازدید 16
Effect of health education on knowledge and attitude of menopause among middle-age teachers
بازدید 20
Quality of life, psychological distress and violence among women in close relationships: a population-based study in Finland
بازدید 27
Transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders for women with multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled trial
بازدید 13
Do future healthcare professionals have adequate knowledge about risk factors for stress urinary incontinence in women?
بازدید 39
The effect of prenatal counseling on breastfeeding self-efficacy and frequency of breastfeeding problems in mothers with previous unsuccessful breastfeeding: a randomized controlled clinical trial
بازدید 21
Prevalence of high-risk behaviors in reproductive age women in Alborz province in 2019 using unmatched count technique
Ultrasound classification-guided minimally invasive rotary cutting in granulomatous lobular mastitis
بازدید 7
Intention to quit water pipe smoking among Iranian women: a qualitative directed content analysis
The influence of cognitive schemas on the mixed anxiety-depressive symptoms of breast cancer patients
Fear of childbirth anxiety and depression in three groups of primiparous pregnant women not attending, irregularly attending and regularly attending childbirth preparation classes
بازدید 11
Challenges and opportunities confronting female-headed households in Iran: a qualitative study
بازدید 36
Clinical aspects and the quality of life among women with endometriosis and infertility: a cross-sectional study
The inhibitory effect of curcumin via fascin suppression through JAK/STAT3 pathway on metastasis and recurrence of ovary cancer cells
بازدید 6
Socio-demographic characteristics and associated factors influencing cervical cancer screening among women attending in St. Paul's Teaching and Referral Hospital, Ethiopia
بازدید 8
The psychometric properties of the Persian menopause rating scale
بازدید 49