Today, distance education is considered as a new educational method that can remove the climatic and geographical barriers of educational spaces, age and gender limitations of learners. In Iran, distance education programs have been designed and established. The purpose of this study was to identify the disadvantages and weaknesses of the implementation and conduct of distance education courses with the focus on Kurdistan province. To do so, a qualitative approach and phenomenological method were used. The study population was all managers and instructors of distance education centers in Kurdistan province. Using snowball sampling and considering the theoretical basis of data saturation, 21 of people (7 managers and 14 instructors) in the sample group were included in the study. To collect the relevant data, response questionnaires were distributed. In order to analyze the data, inductive content analysis based on open coding was used. The results showed that technological and communication barriers, educational planning barriers, administrative and structural barriers and financial barriers are the most important obstacles of these courses, and in order to eliminate them, it is necessary that the centers and the supportive institutions provide better technological and financial infrastructure and implement revisions in the programs and strategies.