Although repentance (tawba) is among the fundamentals of Islamic .r-1.criminal Law, which is considered for correction of criminals and offenders and even in some cases it elicits cancellation (amnesty) of the penalty, it is rarely observed to be employed for cancellation of penalty in
courts and by judges. While examining the issue of tawha and stating the legal proofs in this respect, in the present article, we have dealt with the
quality and the importance of using it in the cancellation of punishment of criminals and concluded that if due attention is paid to the criminals"
repentance (of course, in respect to the verses and traditions available on this issue), it will be noticed that many criminals would enjoy this privilege and the society would also witness a reduction in the number of prisoners
and the execution of penalty for the offenders and their correction. We have further concluded that the current excuses concerning tawha are to be
eliminated and that it should be accepted by mere verbal declaration, since
there is no precondition for tawha except for its persistence. In the meantime, it is suggested that, in case of achievement of tawha and the
cancellation of penalty, the bad record to be removed from the criminal"s punitive register. It is also proposed that a center by the name of "Repentance Institution" to be established in the judicial system.