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سال:1397 | دوره: | شماره: |تعداد مقالات:7

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Shiraz E-Medical Journal

اطلاعات دوره: 
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Background: One of the most significant sources of indoor ultraviolet (UV) radiation are compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The UV radiation has various destructive effects on biological organisms. Objectives: This study is aimed to assess disorders evoked by CFLs and possible protective effects of curcumin on the liver. Methods: A total of 24 adult male wistar rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: control (ethyl oleate 0. 2 mL, IP, for 40 days, without CFLs exposure), fluorescent (ethyl oleate 0. 2 mL, IP, daily and 12 hours CFLs exposure for 40 days), and curcumin (Curcumin 20  mol, IP, with 12 hours CFLs exposure for 40 days). At the end of the experiment, the levels of some enzymes and biochemical data of plasma were measured and morphology of liver was observed. Results: The results of the study showed that CFLs significantly increase liver enzymes including aspartate aminotransferase (243. 25  38. 85 vs 151. 25 21. 64, P< 0. 0001), alanine aminotransferase (116. 32 6. 89 vs 88. 75 11. 60, P =0. 002), alkaline phosphatase (465. 38  87. 9 vs 317. 5 9. 24, P = 0. 006), amylase (1942. 4 180. 77 vs 1623. 3 267. 06, P = 0. 009), and also change some biochemical data as well as fat accumulation inside cytoplasm of hepatic cells. Therefore, the CFLs increased liver enzymes, produced FLD and damaged the liver tissue. Administration of curcumin following CFLs prevented these alterations. Conclusions: In this research, mentioned disorders is the probably effect of UV radiation emitted by CFLs. whereas curcumin, as an antioxidant, has a protective effect on disorders such as biochemical and morphological changes evoked by CFLs in rat livers.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 109

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

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Background: Teamwork in operating room is necessary to ensure patient’ s safety and medical practices outcomes. Owing to the importance of teamwork training to nursing students, the current study aimed at investigating the effect of training on the attitude and knowledge of anesthesia and operating room nursing students to teamwork. Methods: The current quasi-experimental study was conducted from March to October 2015 in Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Iran. Forty-five anesthesia and 15 operating room nursing students with amean age of 22. 26 0. 88 years were divided equally into the experimental and control groups. Data were collected before and 2 months after the intervention, using the Persian version of TeamSTEPPS teamwork attitude questionnaire and a researcher made teamwork knowledge test (each with 30 items). The intervention was a 2-session training workshop on teamwork and its strategies, each lasting for 4 hours. The training was performed by lecture, scenarios and videos, and group discussion. Data were analyzed with SPSS version 16 using descriptive statistics, paired t test, independent t test, and chi-square. Results: The total mean score of the experimental group on teamwork attitude significantly differed after the intervention (117. 5  7. 01) compared with those of the pre-intervention (111. 83  7. 22) and control group (109. 5  9. 6) (P < 0. 001). Furthermore, a significant difference was also observed in the mean scores of all attitude domains, except for mutual support. The mean score of teamwork knowledge increased significantly after the intervention (19. 8  3. 44), when compared with those of pre-intervention (14. 5 3. 33) and control group (14. 53 3) (P < 0. 001). Conclusions: Training improved participants’ overall teamwork attitude in 4 out of its 5 domains (but not in mutual support) and the knowledge about teamwork. Therefore, nursing training should mostly focus on the improvement of supportive behaviors among students in clinical settings.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 132

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

اطلاعات دوره: 
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Background: Industrialization is the significant cause of death and inability in the most developed and developing countries, and a greater part of nourishing inadequacies and infectious diseases is attibuted to this outcome of modernity. The current study aimed at determining the status of the cardiovascular disease progression in Iran (as a developing country) by assessing the trend of risk factors such as blood pressure (PB), total cholesterol, and body mass index (BMI) from 1980 to 2010. Methods: The current cross sectional study was conducted based on aggregate data extracted from the Gapminder Website. No sampling was done in the study. The research was conducted from 1980 to 2010. The bivariate Pearson correlation, independent samples t test, and message sequence charts were used to analyze data with SPSS version 16; = 0. 05 was considered the level of significance. Results: Themeantotal cholesterol in females over 3 decades showed an increasing trend. ThemeanBMI increased within the study period. The mean BMI of males decreased from 1980 to 1997 and then, increased until 2008; while it remained constant in 2009 and 2010. The mean PB decreased in females aged above 31 years. The total cholesterol levels in males decreased from 1980 to 1990 and afterwards increased to 2010. The mean BMI of males increased in the same period. Conclusions: By the improvement of lifestyle, healthy nutrition, purposive training, and increasing the knowledge about risk factors of chronic heart disease (CHD), these risk factors as well as the rate of CHD reduced in the studied population.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 116

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

اطلاعات دوره: 
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Background: Failure to thrive is one of the most important health problems of children around the word and in developing countries. This study aimed at investigating factors associated with failure to thrive among the children aged 3 to 72 months in Jahrom city of southern Iran. Methods: This case-control study comprised of 250 children aged 3 to 72 months. The case group included children with growth curves below the third percentile inmorethan one measurement and children above the third percentile with failure to gain weight or with weight loss during at least 1 month. The control group was selected from children with normal growth rate. The case andcontrol groups were matched in terms of age and gender. The chi-square test and logistic regression method were applied for analysis of data using the SPSS 17 software. Results: Failure to thrive in children was significantly associated with factors, such as lower level of mother’ s education (OR = 4. 29, %95 CI = 1. 80-10. 25, P < 0. 001), mother’ s body mass index being less than 18. 5 before pregnancy (OR = 22. 06, %95CI = 4. 83-100. 73, P < 0. 001), parental consanguinity (OR = 2. 02, %95CI = 1. 081-3. 79, P = 0. 028), and bottle feeding (OR = 2. 72, %95CI = 1. 34-5. 34, P = 0. 005). Conclusion: Failure to thrive causes serious complications in children later in their lives. With regards to the relatively high prevalence of this problem among children aged under 6 years of age, it is therefore deemed necessary, as an important health problem, to identify factors associated with this disorder, improve pre-pregnancy care, promote women’ s education level, and train parents to consider appropriate nutrition of children and healthy pregnancy.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 118

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

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Background: Appointment scheduling is considered as one of the important aspects of patient flow management. Today, the advent of Internet into the realm of health care has paved the way for employing an internet-based booking system for visiting physicians. Therefore, this study aimed at assessing the online outpatient booking system in Iranian hospitals. Methods: The present study was an applied descriptive study. In this study, all outpatient appointment booking websites in Iranian hospitals were evaluated. The methods of outpatients booking in the hospitals (N = 598) were determined based on information available at their active websites. Finally, 31 active online booking systems were identified and investigated using a localized checklist, including 59 items in 6 sections. Results: The results showed that only 13. 03% of Iranian hospitals had an active online booking system. All the online booking systems had a weak quality based on the total score percentage (17. 10%). The highest score percentages were related to sections of online security features (45%) and details of health insurance (42%), while the clinical data section received the lowest score (7. 25%). The most frequent item was the patient’ s name in the patient demographics section (27 websites). Conclusions: The outpatient appointment system in Iranian hospitals is done more traditionally through walk-ins to the health centers. The online outpatient booking systems have poor quality. Hence, codification and communication of national standards for designing hospital websites, periodical evaluation of appointment booking websites by ministry of health, and survey of the users of this method can enhance the qualitative level of these websites.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 167

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

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Background: One of the many tasks of rural health houses (HHs) is to provide health education for rural clients. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to assess the conditions and responsibilities of HHs regarding health education. Methods: Through systematic random sampling, 1600 HHs were selected during April-September 2011. Besides the characteristics of HHs, type of training, audience groups, time of education, number of participants, and reasons for educational classes were requested in a written format from the selected HHs. Data were analyzed using Excel 2007 and SPSS version 16. Results: In total, 21. 9% of HHs had no group education within the first 5 months. Most education was related to the field of reproductive health, followed by intestinal diseases. The largest target group included mothers eligible for family planning. The mean duration of education was 33. 6 minutes per week. Based on the findings, 55% of training was conducted due to provincial health priorities. Conclusions: Although cardiovascular diseases, road traffic accidents, and cancers are the major causes of mortality in Iran, most education concentrated on reproductive health, as well as mother and child health. Therefore, modifications in educational methods and planning are necessary.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 99

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Shiraz E-Medical Journal

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Background: A father’ s adaptation will facilitate the transition into fatherhood and strengthen the bonding and attachment between the father and his children. Objectives: The aim of this review article determined the effective factors in the father’ s adaptation. Methods: The present study has been developed based on the PRISMA checklist. We conducted this review using Persian databases (Magiran, Iran Medex, Iran Doc, SID and Google Scholar) for Persian relevant literature and English databases (ISI Web of Science, MEDLINE, CINAHL, HMIC, Child Data, NCJRS, HSRProj, IBSS) for English relevant literature. To search in each electronic database, the following terms were used: “ Father” , “ Paternal Behaviors” , “ Behavior” , “ Paternal” , “ Father-Child Relationship” , “ Father-Child Relation” , “ Adaptation” , “ Care” , and “ Child” . Two reviewers assessed the quality of the included studies. Inclusion criteria included: focused on fatherhood and father’ s adaptation, they were scientific papers with the quantitative or qualitative method, providing appropriate and suitable information about effective factors on the father’ s adaptation of healthy children, and published in a scientific and high-quality scholarly journal. All relevant literature that was published between August 1990 and September 2017 were included. Results: The 21 studies were included in the current systematic review from an initial search of 87 records. The results can be divided into 3 general groups of effective factors in the father’ s adaptation, including: paternal factors, child factors, and health care service factors. Conclusion: Findings of this study showed a wide range of effective factors such as age, occupation, educational level, satisfaction withmarriage, antenatal education classes, care providers support, and child gender in father’ s adaptation. It is recommended that future researches should be focused toward need-based interventions to improve father’ s adaptation.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 101

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