Sedimentation is one of the most important problems in harbors that results in considerable economic costs. Harbor planforms affects the flow pattern in the harbor basin and consequently, plays an important role in sediment transport and sedimentation. In the present study, a two dimensional depth-averaged hydrodynamic and sediment transport model has been developed to investigate the effect of harbor planform on sedimentation and sediment transport in harbor basin. Various planforms have been examined by the numerical model and results are plotted for alternative harbor planform geometry parameters, namely, planform aspect ratio, entrance location and entrance width which are presented in a dimensionless form. Results suggest that planform aspect ratios less than unity, leads to less sedimentation Inside the harbor basin. In addition, it can be observed that, while entrance location dose not seriously affect suspended sediment transport rate through the harbor entrance, entrance locations closer to the corner of the basin lead to less sedimentation.