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سال:1396 | دوره: | شماره: |تعداد مقالات:9

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: Recent studies have shown that emotion dysregulation is one of the most significant factors in young people’s tendency towards risky behaviors. Therefore, it seems necessary to study the role of emotion regulation strategies in drug-related behaviors. The goal of the present study was to examine the relationship between emotion regulation strategies, and addiction potential in the Iranian student population.Methods: In this cross sectional study, a convenient sampling method was used to select a total of 388 students from the universities in Tehran. The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS) and Addiction Potential Scale (IAPS) were used to collect data. The study data were analyzed using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression analysis.Results: According to the study results, limited access to emotion regulation strategies was the sole predictor of active addiction potential (t=2.79, P<0.01). Passive addiction potential was predicted by emotional awareness (t=4.89, P<0.001) and also by limited access to emotion regulation strategies (t=5.01, P<0.01).Conclusion: Emotion regulation strategies and emotional awareness in relation to other components of emotion regulation were found to have more association with addiction potential. It was also seen that emotion regulation strategies training was effective in the prevention of drug dependence.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 293

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Objective: Committing suicide is a growing issue across the globe, and it is essential to know the insights of the etiology of suicide. Therefore, we conducted this study to clarify the roles of hardiness and hopelessness in relation to suicidal ideation.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study. Study participants consisted of 500 (230 males and 270 females) Malaysian undergraduate students from two public universities during the fall semester 2014. All the respondents completed the Personal Views Survey, Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation.Results: Structural equation modeling indicated that undergraduate students with high level of hopelessness and low level of hardiness were more likely to report suicidal ideation.Hopelessness partially mediated the relationship between hardiness and suicidal ideation.Furthermore, hardiness moderated the relationship between hopelessness and suicidal ideation.Conclusion: These findings have enhanced the existing literature by clarifying the roles of hopelessness and hardiness in relation to suicidal ideation among undergraduate students.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 282

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Objective: In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of Music Therapy (MT) along with Play Therapy (PT) on increasing appropriate Social Behaviors (SBs) and decreasing inappropriate stereotyped behaviors of children with autism.Methods: This is an experimental study, and we used pre-test and post-test control group design to analyze the data. The study sample included 30 children with autism between the ages of 6 and 12 years who were randomly selected and assigned into experimental and control groups.To collect data, the Autism Assessment Quotient, Teacher Assessment of Social Behavior Questionnaire, and Gilliam’s Autism Rating Subscale were used. In this study, the experimental group underwent a total of 15 sessions of training with MT along with PT for a period of 7 weeks, whereas the control group did not receive such training.Results: Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed that training with MT along with PT increased pro-social subscales (P=0.001) and decreased shyness/withdrawal subscales (P=0.001) and that stereotyped behaviors in children with autism decreased (P=0.01).Conclusion: MT along with PT increased appropriate SBs and decreased inappropriate stereotyped behaviors of children with autism. Therefore, we can conclude that strengthening MT and PT skills should be considered one of the basic axes for professionals and educators in training and curing children with autism.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 355

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 72

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Objective: In this study, we aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of training on emotion regulation skills and emotion regulation strategies to overcome anxiety in female students.Methods: We used a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test evaluations to compare the experimental group with a control group. A total of 30 students were selected by multistage cluster sampling and were randomly assigned to either the experimental group (15 students) or the control group (15 students). Data were collected via Beck Anxiety Inventory and Gross and John Emotion Regulation Questionnaire. The experimental group received eight training sessions on emotional regulation, whereas the control group did not receive any training.An analysis of covariance was used for data analysis.Results: According to the results, training on emotion regulation strategies had a significant effect in decreasing anxiety and maladaptive emotional regulation strategies as well as in increasing the adaptive emotional regulation strategies in students (P<0.01).Conclusion: Training on emotion regulation skills can decrease anxiety, and suppression of maladaptive emotional regulation strategy can increase the reappraisal of an adaptive emotional regulation strategy for students.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 327

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Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate prediction of suicide ideation based on early maladaptive schemas and the Big-Five personality traits in a sample of Iranian late adolescents.Methods: 315 high school students (160 female, 155 male) were recruited by multi-stage cluster sampling method from Shiraz city. Participants completed NEO Five-Factor Inventory, Schema Questionnaire, and Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation. Data were analyzed using hierarchical regression analysis.Results: showed that early maladaptive schema significantly predicted suicide ideation beyond personality traits and demographic variables (DR2=0.02, P<0.01). Additionally, among early maladaptive schema domains, disconnection and rejection (b=0.25, P=0.003), in a positive way, and over-vigilance and inhibition (b=-0.17, P=0.011) domains, in a negative way, predicted suicide ideation beyond personality traits and demographic variables.Conclusion: The study showed that schema therapy approach can address particular domains of early maladaptive schemas (disconnection and rejection) for preventing or treating suicide ideation in adolescents regardless of their personality traits and demographic variables.Additionally, the relationship between early maladaptive schema on the one hand, and the NEO Five-Factor model and the basic and clinical application schema therapy, on the other hand, is discussed in detail.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 281

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Objective: There are well-established benefits of mindfulness in clinical settings, but the different roles of mindfulness facets in each disorder yet remain unclear. The purpose of the current study was to investigate between-group comparisons of the facets of mindfulness among patients with Major Depression Disorder (MDD), Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) and healthy individuals.Methods: The present study employs a. Using convenience sampling method, a sample composed of three groups of students with SAD (n=67), MDD (n=51) and healthy (n=81) completed the Five Facet Mindfulness, Beck depression, and the Social Phobia Inventory. To analyze the data, MANOVA test was conducted.Results: Results indicated that for the observing facet, SAD group significantly had higher scores than the MDD and Healthy groups and MDD group exhibited least scores For describing, non-judge and acting with awareness facets, both SAD and MDD groups had significantly lower scores than the healthy group, while there was no significant difference between the SAD and MDD groups. For the non-reacting facet, the SAD group had significantly lower scores than the MDD and healthy groups, while there was no significant difference between MDD and healthy groups.Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that non-judging, acting with awareness, and describing are facets within the umbrella concept of mindfulness facets, which have a common role in SAD and MDD. However, observing and non-reacting have distinct roles in the SAD and MDD. The findings of the present study will certainly have important implications for clinical health psychologists while tailoring mindfulness-based treatments for SAD and MDD patients.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 232

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Objective: According to DSM-5, bipolar disorder is a condition in which the patient experiences one or several manic episodes and sometimes major depressive episodes too. The signs and symptoms of the disorders in DSM are generally influenced by cultural and ethnic factors. Therefore, the present study was aimed at identifying the clinical manifestations of mania in bipolar I disorder in Iranian population.Methods: The present work is a cross-sectional study. The participants included 64 patients in the manic phase of bipolar I disorder who were selected from the Razi psychiatric hospital and the Taleghani Hospital, using a convenience sampling method. The study data were gathered using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) and the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS).Results: According to the findings, the most common signs and symptoms of mania in hospitalized patients with bipolar I disorder included reduced need for sleep (89.1), poor insight (87.5), elevated mood (85.9), talkativeness (79.7), and psychotic features (68.8). The major symptoms of the patients according to DSM-5 criteria included reduced need for sleep (89.1), talkativeness (79.7), and psychomotor agitation (40.6). According to t-test analysis, patients with and without a history of mental disorders did not have significantly different mania scores.The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) analysis indicated no significant difference in mania scores based on the age of onset of the disorder, marital status (single, married, divorced, or widow), education level, and number of hospitalizations. The chi-squared test revealed that patients with a lower education level showed more aggressive behaviors.Conclusion: According to our results, since the response of a patient to a particular treatment is largely influenced by the symptoms of the disorder, clinicians should pay critical attention to the most common signs and symptoms of any mania.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 240

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Objective: Early year experiences with parents play an important role in the development of personality of individuals. In this regard, the present study aimed at assessing the relationship between parental bonding and type and severity of psychopathology in young adults.Methods: A total of 361 students (205 boys and 156 girls) of Tabriz University were selected by cluster sampling method and then tested by Parental Bonding Inventory (PBI) and Symptom Check List-90-R (SCL-90-R). Finally, the obtained data were analyzed using Pearson correlation coefficient and hierarchical regression with SPSS v.16 software.Results: The results showed that maternal and paternal care have a significantly negative correlation with the general suffering scales. The correlation of maternal care is stronger than the paternal care. Also, paternal overprotection has the strongest correlation with general severity scales. Regression results indicated that primarily high paternal overprotection and low maternal care significantly (P<0.05) predicted 14% and 15% of severity and frequency of psychological symptoms, respectively.Conclusion: Parental bonding components have a significant relationship with general suffering scales. Affectionless control parenting style with low care and high overprotection is the most traumatic way of parental interaction in childhood and adolescence.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 245

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