Recently, the supreme leadership in the recent meeting with the Iranian Foreign Minister and Iranian ambassadors has put forward the keyword "ideological diplomacy". Although ideological diplomacy has a long history and countries have used this diplomacy, but the Supreme Leader’ s ideological diplomacy is a mix of policy with revelational teachings designed to achieve the goals of the system in all its dimensions. The origin of this supreme statement that "some have argued in favor of the separation of diplomacy from ideology, while ideological diplomacy has no problem, and the induction of being conflict between ideology and national interest is not a reasonable propose; the Islamic Republic’ s goal is to protect of national interests, independence, freedom, social justice, power and national security, and ideology seeks to safeguard national interests and constitute the identity of the nation, ” is deduced from the explicit text of the Holy Qur'an “ and never will Allah give the disbelievers over the believers a way [to overcome them” (Nisa'a-141) denies any infidel domination on Muslims. In fact, this diplomacy is also based on some rationality. So, this research begs the question of whether there is an interaction or contrast between ideological diplomacy and national interests? According to the author, based on the goals and principles of foreign policy and also, based on the four types of rationality: instrumental, ethical, communicative and critical, the ideological diplomacy guaranty and promote the national interests of the Islamic Republic of Iran.