In this article, first, the thesis of "Ideas" is investigated and criticized. Then, the most important arguments of Suhrevardi and Sadra in support of, and the most important objections of Avicenna and Fakhre Razi to this thesis are analyzed, and criticized. It is proved that neither the argument of those two philosophers to prove this thesis, nor the objections of the two scholars to reject it are valid. Thus, this thesis cannot be confirmed because of the lack of convincing proofs, not because of objections against it.
In the second part of this article, Sadra"s interpretations, influenced by the thesis of "Ideas", are studied. For this purpose, all Sadra"s interpretations of verses that under the influence of this thesis have offered meanings different from their literal ones are gathered from his philosophic and interpretative works. Then, in the light of traditions, Quranic verses, and rational and verbal circumstantial evidences, his interpretations are verified. In this research, it is proved that none of Sadra"s four interpretations that are under the influence of this thesis is valid.