Considering the capacities of multicultural communities (particularly Islamic multicultural communities) in divergence and tendency towards social and political crises, the present writing has analyzed and clarified the principles and instructions considering the conditions of multicultural communities referring to the political Islamic thought and philosophy utilizing which could provide the ground for social and political unity in these communities. On the basis of the definition presented around "unity" and "multicultural" in this article, it has been avoided from the statement of general instructions related to unity and it has been merely emphasized on the instructions leaving the most outcomes over the unity of multicultural community. Consequently, octal instructions are the comprehensive interpretation from "united nation", socialism and holism of instructions, Islamic pluralism, peace and coexistence, indulgence and conciliation, respect to differences, the principle of affection and avoidance of hostility, cooperation and interaction which are considered as the most significant instructions in Islamic political philosophy and thought whose consideration could be helpful in the settlement of the disputes arising from the multiculturalism of Islamic countries such as Afghanistan, Iraq and Lebanon.