It is said that the mission of art is removing the veil from realities of the life. Poetry and literature have known as mirror that a minifest many conditions, viewpoint, political, social and cultural events of communities in every period. Yet, the poetry in the history of Iran has been more prominent compared to other communities. So, the poetry has known as the most important Iranian cultural media. Poets as well as scholars of community play a major role in direction of intellectual and social aspects of the society. In the sixty and seventy decades, a range of religious poets emerged, that in comparation with poets of earlier generation, their intellectual foundations and cultural trends had major differences. This paper wants to examine the field of social advent and major poetic themes of these poets. This research with historical-analytical method and studying poems of poets such as Mohammadreza Shafiei Kadkani, Nemat Mirzazadeh, Hamid Sabzevari, Mehrdade Avesta, and Tahereh Saffarzadeh, concluded that appearance of religious movement in Persian poem in mentioned decades has been affected of the overall cultural movements of society. These poems were participant and affected from social and cultural leaders of society like Imam Khomeini, Jalal Ale-Ahmad and Ali Shariati, in awaring the various social groups, at the forefront of the struggle against the pahlavi regime and effort to prepare the grounds for revolution. Social and political basic of their poetries were on the major axes such as; opposition and denial of values and actions of the privious state, inviting to flight against the Pahlavi regime, having identity concerns and emphasis on return to the Islamic and religious roots, emphasis on the religious rules with careing their political dimention and admiring the character of Imam khomeini as the supreme leader.