Unity of Being as a doctrine that says no other entity unless God can be described by Being, has been scattered all over the writings on Ayn ul-Quzzat. In Commenting this Quranic verse: "How! Are they still in doubt about the meeting with their Lord? Lo! Is not He surrounding all things?" (Quran, 01:10) he describes those who are in doubt about the meeting with the Lord, as blind. The blind men are who can not see God's sovereign encompassment over all existents including His Being, because in doing so, can undoubtedly observe that they, themselves, are among the numerous Divine manifestations. For him, God by His sovereign encompassment over the manifestations can be regarded both as centre and periphery. Therefore, God possesses Being truly not like the creatures that are of it metaphorically. They, i. e. creatures, are the various modes of the Unitary Being that from time to time, Hamadani calls them as temporal advents. God is eternal, to say, He is beyond the time, so that one can say as in the beginningless eternity God existed with no other thing accompanied Him, He exists in the present time and will exist in the endless eternity, too.