One of the subjects that has been repeatedly addressed in current world political literature, is the story of Holocaust. Based on this story, the Jews claim that during World War 2, by the order of Hitler and with the intention of racism and Anti-Semitism, 6 million Jews were annihilated" extermination camps". Today, after nearly 7 decades from that devastating war, thanks to the endeavor and courage of a small number of conspicuous scholars in the west, the falsehood of the story has scientifically and documentally been demonstrated. The question is that why the Jews fabricated such a big lie? The answer is that the fabrication of Holocaust story was merely a show of the Jews’ being oppressed before the world public opinion, so that, the, so-called, “wandering “ and “oppressed”, Jews could justify their occupance and usurpation of Palestine and, of course, by demanding indemnity from Germany, provide required budget to establish the state of Israel there.