Nowadays, with the development of the modern world and population growth, urban sprawl, and the formation of new towns and peripheral, less attention has been paid to the issue of identity, the sense of place, and city residents or they have been completely forgotten.One of the issues that threatens identity is the Globalization and Global Village, which eliminated all traditional boundaries and led eventually to the point where a person can be awarded anywhere; While in situation as such, the person does not belong to any of the places he will go away and his or her place identity is destroyed. Thus, society will turn into a cultural space without identity, dignity and becomes more complex.The social context, in this case, of unidentified space, which is nowhere, sets to become into social life context, and the relation existed between place, culture and identity may be confused, whereas, by creating a sense of place and identity, it is possible to build and strengthen the person's belonging sense to a specific location or society. This research has in this field studied and emphasized on the aspects of the urban landscape.To get the study objective, this research has studied the issue of urban identity from the perspective urban landscape and urban landscape elements such as urban furniture, landscaping, walls, urban spaces, trails, urban development, urban art, lighting, and the various social and cultural factors well have been directly involved.In this study, qualitative research methods, and the correlation methods for deriving documents and proof of identity and urban landscape factors are used. It can be concluded from the discussions in this section of the town where there is less visual disturbance, and the visual elements of the city enjoy a good proportion of visual landscape, residents have relatively more sense of belonging and they can improve the city's identity.