1. Introduction:Abbasid period can be regarded as an epoch in which poetry and eulogy in Persia reached maturity, i.e., in which poetry has become a means of praise and admiration (Dayf, 2006, p. 565). The kings of this dynasty gathered a group of flattered eulogists and used them for political announcements (Alebadi, 2006, p. 13), by allocating precious gifts of war booty to poetry, they justified their reign and suppressed their oppositions ((Dayf, 2006, p. 566). Being greedy for money and lacking self-esteem made eulogists to increase their competition for being a better eulogist in the court (Nicholson, 2001, p. 303), and also their envious characteristics and their constant need for presents impelled them to use different themes in their poetry, eulogy and lampoon (Zarkoob, 2004, p. 82), thus formed literary discussions. Discussions between Al-Al-Khwarizmi (944-1004, AH) and Badi _al-Zaman_ al-Hamadani (969-1007) is an example of literay discussions. On one side, there was Al-Al-Khwarizmi one of the popular authors of 4th century (Al-Sam'ani, 1384, p. 213/5), and on the other side, there was Badi_al-Zaman a prideful young man who was eager for title and higher scientific statues (Abboud, 1954, p. 11). …