Cadophora was described with C. fastigiata Lagerb. & Melin as the type species of this dematiaceous hyphomycetous genus that produces solitary phialides with distinct hyaline, flared collarettes (Lagerberg et al. 1927). The generic name Cadophora was suggested by Gams (2000) for phialophora-like species with affinities to the Dermateaceae in the Helotiales. Cadophora species are primarily isolated from living plants, as pathogens or root colonizers, and produce melanized, septate hyphae that aptly placed them among the fungi labeling dark septate endophytes (DSEs) (Jumpponen & Trappe 1998; Zijlstra et al. 2005). Some samples were collected in May 2016, from Ferula ovina and Ferula felabelliloba (Apiaceae) in Zoshk highlands of Khorasan Razavi province, Iran (36° 26 12. 0 N 59° 11 51. 6 E) by Zahra Tazik. Isolation for obtaining endophytic fungi was done according to the method described by Hallmann et al. (2007) with minor modifications.