Background and Aim: The aim of this research is a study of a balance between the rights and duties of holder of a negotiable instrument in Iranian negotiable instruments law and recognition of strength and weakness points and lacks in existent provisions. Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive Study. Ethical Considerations: All ethical considerations as well as authenticity of the texts have been observed. Findings: The legislator in Iranian negotiable instruments law tried to create a balance between the rights and duties of persons entered in negotiable instrument and in accordance with that in opposing the rights such as collective liability of signers, possibility of demanding vast conservatory injunction etc. that give to the holder in order to strengthen and accelerate in payment the sum inserted, imposed to him duties such as delivering of instrument for acceptance and payment to drawer. Conclusion: Iranian negotiable instruments law have not reached success to Balance Between The Rights And Duties of Holder of Negotiable Instrument; because in one hand, in spite of doing legal duties, there didn't given a suitable right to the holder in such a way that obligor or liable to instrument can or by invoking to see of, weaken his position and in other hand, in some cases, created for him unilateral rights.