On the basis of the monitor theory, the philosophy of humanities is concerned with the what of realized humanities with a logical approach and the what of the desired humanities with a historical approach and the way it can be realized. The specific humanities with a logical approach consists of the Islamic behavioral and social sciences and a set of propositions which explains and interprets the social and individual behavior of the realized human being using a combination of methods (experimental and non-experimental) and non-empirical principles (wisdom, revelation and intuition). Taking advantage of human values, the specific humanities try to change the realized man to the desired one. The history of Islamic humanities is presented in three phases and the various viewpoints on west, west-orientation, and west-aversion are introduced.The pathology and improvement of humanities are presented in three spheres: optimization, localization and Islamization. The strategic process is explained in four stages including culture building, criticism, production and dissemination and the implementation process in three steps including the formation of qualifier council, the policy council and the community groups and the process of the evolution of knowledge in three critical stages including the critique of western heritage, the discovery of Islamic heritage and the development of philosophies and theories of Islamic humanities.