Introduction & Objective: Hypospadiasis is a common congenital birth defect in which stopped normal developmental of urethra and prepose and chordee; there are various surgical procedures. This disorder, especially in severe cases, can cause disorder in urination and even sexual and mental disorders. Materials & Methods: Since year 1396, 147 patients who underwent hypospadiasis repair operations have been evaluated for comorbidies, urethral place, chordee, type of repair, need cystostomy, skin Flap, mucosal Flap, glanoplasty and complications (hematoma, skin Flap necrosis, meatal stenosis, urinary fistula, rotation of penis) and need of re-operation. Results: The most common type of surgical procedures was MAGPI and TIP. The most common skin Flap was dorsal Flap 77 case (52. 4%). Mucosal Flap 53 case (36. 1%), glanoplasty 73 case (49. 7%), tie over 16 case (10. 9%), stent 21 case (14. 3%), foley Catheter 51case (34. 7%) and cystostomy 24 case (16. 3%). Complication (hematoma 3 case (2%), skin Flap necrosis 3 case (2%), meatal stenosis 2case (1: 4%), skin urinary fistula 2 case (1: 4%), rotation of penis 2 case (1. 4%) and no needs to re-operation is139case (94. 6%). Conclusions: By following the principles of Surgery, using the proper technique and use principles of creating Flap and correct use of foley catheter, stent… We can greatly reduce the complications of procedures. Our results were much better than other articles.