Aesthetics is one of the most important pillars of literature, which includes various aspects of the text, such as sounds, words, compositions, syntax, music, and imagination, which rhetoric is responsible for in literary texts. Although Sahifa Sajjadieh is known as a book of prayers and supplications to God, but it is distinguished by a literary and expressive style that, while simple and psychological, has special artistic beauties. On the one hand, prayer is a matter of conscience and inner being that is intertwined with the beauties of the human soul and psyche, and on the other hand, because prayer is addressed to God, this inner experience is directly related to the eternal source that is the source of all beauties. There is no doubt that all the aesthetic dimensions are reflected in Imam Khomeini's words, but the present study will examine some of the aesthetic effects in some passages of Sajjadieh in the form of expressive arrays and the music in it in an analytical manner and wait. It is concluded that Imam Sajjad (AS) by using various literary and expressive elements in order to beautify the text and create a link between the sciences of rhetoric and meaning and the creation of pleasant music has been able to play the role of aesthetics along with the role of meaning. He has succeeded in bringing meanings closer to the minds of the audience and understanding them.