The results in this study indicated that, the age of intrusive masses in the study area has been modified and probably could be considered as late Mesozoic.These masses are mainly granite, granodiorite, monzogranite, tonalite, monzonite, quartzmonzonite and quartzsyenite which have been intruded into the metamorphosed formations as small and big masses. According to diagram of Alk against silicate and triangular AFM diagram, the granitic masses in the area are sub alkaline and Calc-alkaline and the syenites and monzonites are alkaline types. According to multi cationic R1-R2 diagram and AFM diagram, the Golpaygan granitoides are mostly in POG range or after orogenic and a few of these are in CCG range or continental collision range, Diagram of Nb against Y and diagram of Rb that, the granitoides are within WPG range or intraplate Limit.