Materials & Methods: In this study 3749 individuals (1911 male and 1839 female) were selected by cluster sampling and were interviewed using a questionnaire.
Results: Results of this study showed that 40.7% of the studied people were familiar with drugs (20% familiar and 20.7% fairly familiar), and 1.7% of them have been using drugs. The most common types of drugs among drug users was opium (85.9) which was used in a traditional form (using opiumsmoker's pipe). It was found that the drugs have been introduced to drug users by their friends for the first time and their friends have provided the drugs for them. Our findings showed that the highest rate of drug using was in Gachsaran (2.8%) and the lowest rate was in Boyerahmad (1.3%). Also it was found that drug using among adolescents was more than in the other age groups (2.6%). These results indicated that the most useful method for families to prevent the youth and adolescents from drug addiction were: parent knowledge, parent–child relationship (27.3%) parent control of child behaviours (34.6%) and providing a peaceful and quite place at home (24.4%). The most appropriate educational method for preventing drug abuse was found to be media (33.6%) and among media, TV education (45.4%) was stated to be the best. Changing the rules about drug abuse campaign was emphasized (46.2%) for drug abuse prevention. The subjects in this study stated that the most appropriate method for punishing drug abusers and drug suppliers were imprisonment (39.3% and 37.5%), and execution (21.4% and 32.9%), respectively, and the most important method for punishment of drug smugglers were execution (53.2%) and imprisonment (27.1 %). In this study the most effective social method for drug-abuse prevention was stated to be providing the entertainment, cultural and educational facilities for leisure time (39.7%), providing the sports facilities (33.4%).The most effective economical method for preventing drug-abuse was mentioned to be providing jobs for unemployed people (41.9%), campaigning against robbery and corruption and discrimination (33.6%).
Conclusion: The recommended measurements for preventing drug addiction were as fallows: employment of young adults, closure of boundaries to prevent drug imports. Considering the result of this study, it would be difficult to point out the most effective and important method for preventing drug addiction. Differences in personal profiles, problems, attitudes, behaviors and beliefs about drug-abuse seek a multidimensional approach for this problem. Contribution of families, society and authorities are needed to tackle this problem. Public and family education is a social vaccine which improves the immunity of society. Appropriate punishment of drug-users, drug suppliers, and drug smugglers make it difficult to find the drug easily. Employment of young adults, providing entertainment and sports centers would be effective in prevention of drug addiction.