The globalization concept has become one of the major problems of human society in the new era, that caused people live in a new social and cultural dimension called global dimension. Since the youth are more involved in the cultural interactions with other societies, this dimension of life has become more prominent among them Thanks to the highly developed and efficient communication technologies as well as the separation of place from space and time, the cultural globalization phenomenon provides the opportunity for the formation of social life in a very broader space. In other words, cultural globalization leads to the formation and expansion of a specific culture in the global arena. This process leads to a surge of cultural similarity in the world, which challenges all the specific cultures. While forming global economics and an inter-national society, globalization creates a global culture too.In this article, the youth attitudes- pro, con, and active (moderate) - toward global culture, as well as their relation with factors such as individual and family characters, and satisfaction with country, have been studied.The theoretical framework of this study is based on the Anthony Giddens; using his Structuration theory, some factors influencing on the youths attitude toward global culture have been addressed.The results indicate that there is a direct and strong relation between the youth's attitude toward global culture and individual and family characters, as well as the satisfaction with the country. While the last explains the attitude towards global culture more than other factors.