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اعمال فیلتر

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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1
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Purpose: The present research aimed at finding an answer to the question of the process of influence of cyberspace on Iranian Poetry in the future, and the influence of cyberspace on various aspects of poetry such as content, its audience, the poet, the media that published the poem, the process of composing the poem, the rights of the author, and Globalization of the Iranian poetry. Method: The Delphi technique was used to carry out this research. A group of experts comprising professors in the fields of Communication and Literature was selected. The expert’s opinions were collected and analyzed through an in-depth interview, a questionnaire based on the Likert scale, and by the execution of three stages of Delphi rounds. Findings: Accordingly, considering the content, the experts predicted that due to the IMPACT of cyberspace, the quality of the poetry will be reduced and consequently, the language of poetry will become simpler and close to prose and it will only reflect the daily events of life. Regarding the audience, they concluded that the audience’s selection power will be increased, however, we can differentiate between the public and professional audience. With respect to the sender, there will be no phenomenon of multi authors, and regarding the channel, the experts agreed upon Media Convergence besides, the poets’ agency in publishing their own poems will be increased. Conclusion: Experts believe that the spread of communication technologies will make censorship ineffective. This is the only case in which the group believes in the IMPACT of technology on the future of poetry. The group of experts did not reach a consensus regarding the IMPACT of technology on the phenomena such as publication of author’s poems as one’s original work and the Globalization of Iranian poetry, thus, analyzed these items in the framework of the human agency.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 150

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Ayazi Sayyid Ali Naqi | Marvian Hosseini Sayyid Mahmoud

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The ethical actions are important because of the priority of the mission goal and their close relationship with social progress and development. Therefore, the purpose of this research is the identification and social analysis of these types of actions among the verses of revelation and it deals with the effect of ethical actions in the production of social capital in the process of progress based on religious teachings and answers these questions based on the Quranic teachings. What IMPACT do ethical actions (behavior) have on the formation of social progress? How do moral actions generate social capital and influence progress (development)? What coordinates, examples and dimensions does this group of actions have? What are the effects and consequences of this group of actions? Those actions that are desirable and progressive in the development of social interactions have been socially studied, analyzed and searched by using the inductive content analysis method. Honesty, trustworthiness and fulfillment of an obligation, altruism (Arabic: إیثار, self-sacrifice), asking forgiveness or istighfār (Arabic: استغفار ʾistiġfār), and forgiving others, kindness, non-violence, chastity and purity, patience and honesty and benevolent actions combined with social supervision have been discussed, which lead to sincerity, togetherness, coherence and expansion of social interactions and emotional relationships far from hatred and warm and emotional relationships and as a result, it causes the production of social capital and its improvement and will lead to the density of actions focused on purpose and excellence that are necessary for progress.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 180

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 56

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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The main objective of this study is to investigate the phenomenon of water IMPACT underneath the decks of offshore structures due to propagating waves. The decks of offshore structures may be subjected to wave induced loads, which may be not accounted for in the original design. For safe design of offshore platforms, it is important that the hydrodynamic loads and the predicted accurately. In this report, a review of the previous work on this topic with a brief introduction to slamming theory together with a proposed procedure to predict the water IMPACT underneath the decks of floating offshore structures will be presented. Meantime, three dimensional hydrodynamic analysis of a semi-submersible in sea waves has been performed by using the direct boundary element methods.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 235

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قواعد زبان عربی تا قرن دوم هجری از یک انسجام و انضباط بهره نمی برد و از نضج و بلوغ کاملی برخوردار نبود تا اینکه دانشمندانی چون ابن جنی، حماد بن سلمه، خلیل بن احمد فراهیدی و سیبویه آمدند و به آن سر و سامان بخشیدند. به جرات می توان گفت که تا پیش از سیبویه کسی نبود که قواعد زبان عربی را مورد بررسی قرار داده و آن را در چهار چوب معینی به شکل جامع و کامل بیان کند و در آن دسته بندی و ترتیب منظمی ایجاد نماید. در واقع تا عصر سیبویه زبان عربی خام بود و پس از سیبویه و با دانش او بود که به نضج و بلوغ کاملی رسید. ما در این مقاله می خواهیم از دریچه های گوناگون سیبویه و کتابش را با توجه به نظرات ادیبان گذشته و حاضر در جهان ادبیات عرب مورد بحث و کنکاش قرار دهیم.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 831

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جان قربانی محسن

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"عامل اثرگذار" واژه ای آشنا برای اغلب جامعه علمی و پزشکی است، ولی با وجود استفاده گسترده و اغلب وسواسی، معدودی بطور کامل معنی یا کاربردهای آن در واقع مجادله های راجع به آن را درک می کنند. در این مقاله نحوه اندازه گیری و استخراج این شاخص موثر و برخی مسایل مربوط به آن (بویژه سو استفاده از آن به عنوان سنجشی از شایستگی نویسنده) بررسی می شود.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 1047

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Mansouri Gholamreza

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In some point of view, neither Michel Foucault nor Ibn Khaldun are considered philosophers in the conventional classifications, but both are very  important in intellectual and, of course, in philosophical contexts, especially for those who are interested in the deep study of human life from the perspective of political thought.The main concern of two thinkers, one in the 14th century, the other in the 20th century, is the issue  of power, although neither of them provided a precise definition of it. In this article, an attempt has been made to show the place of power and domination in the political thought of both thinkers by examining the thoughts of two thinkers. And in search of an answer to this question, how did Asabiyyah and industry of religion in Ibn Khaldun's thought and social control through self-technology and discipline in Foucault's thought lead to the expansion of the domination of power? This article is written by analytically comparing the opinions of two thinkers based on Ibn Khaldun's most important book called Muqaddimah and Foucault's late works

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 122

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One of the most frequent rules in various areas of demonstrative jurisprudence of Two Major Sects of Islam religion is a rule that is known among Shīʿa as “tolerance in the evidence of traditions” (Arabic: التسامح فی أدلّة السنن) and in Sunnī as “latitudinarianism in documents” (Arabic: التساهل فی أسانید). Believers in the general application of this rule have based it for reasons such as consensus (Arabic: إجماع), tradition famous through practice (Arabic: الشهرة العملیّة), and rational judgement (intellectual judgement) and a group of aḥādīth (Arabic: أحادیث, plural form for ḥadīth, literally “talk” or “discourse”) called “Akhbar-e- Man Balagh” (Arabic: أخبار من بلغ). The understanding of the aforementioned narrations and the extent of application of this rule has caused a conflict of opinions among scholars. The narrations containing the excellences of suras of the Holy Book of Quran is one of the fields of application of the rule of tolerance. The present research has explained the types of exposure to this group of narrations based on the rule of tolerance by using descriptive-exploratory method and using library sources and seeks to find a suitable approach about narrations of the excellences of suras (chapters) of the Holy Book of Quran. The interaction with these narrations is organized based on a special reading of the rule of tolerance in the selected approach, which is based on a rational interpretation of the contents of Man-Balagh (Arabic: من بلغ)’s narrations and is compatible with the indications of some verses and traditions. The use of weak narrations containing the excellences of suras (chapters) will be permissible based on this approach considering three conditions and without any certainty of attributing these narrations to Sharʿ (Islamic rules).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 46

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Qasemi Firouzabadi Narges | Rahimi Sayyidah Vahideh | Rahman Setayesh Muhammad Kazem

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How to profoundly change the beliefs of the polytheists during the age of revelation from the denial of the Prophet (pbuh) to the certainty of his Message and the acceptance of his full guardianship is a question worthy of attention. The order of verses about prophecy based on the order of revelation is the reason to lead a transformative process and a special Quranic method in institutionalizing the belief of prophecy in the lives of Arabs. In the first stage, the Holy Quran in the first Makkī (Arabic: المکّیّ, suras revealed in Mecca) chapters has prepared the community from the motivational side to accept the truth of the Prophet’s (pbuh) prophecy and briefly stating the key issues surrounding it. The Holy Book of Quran at the time of the emergence of oppositions and doubts (the second stage) destroyed the arguments of the polytheists and explained the prophecy and proved its authenticity from a cognitive perspective in the second stage by presenting clear arguments. and the Holy Book of Quran in the third stage after Madanī (Arabic: المدنیّ, suras revealed in Medina) period has undertaken measures in order to fulfill the goals of the Massage by explaining the true position of the Prophet (pbuh) to deepen and operationalize the Prophetic belief through explaining practical duties for the Prophet (pbuh) and behavior based on the acceptance of Walaya (Arabic: ولایة, meaning “guardianship” or “governance”).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 88

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Fazeli Ahmad | Omidzamani Hediye

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Considering the fact that the words in the intra-religious attitude are considered in two ways, the first is towards jurisprudential words and the second is a rational and conceptual view focusing on their meanings. we have tried to deal with one of the most important issues of intra-religious attitude with a rational approach by descriptive and analytical method, which is the category of "hermeneutic interpretation" of words, especially the most influential idea of interpretation & that is the view of the "spirit of meaning" of Ghazali. After Ghazali, Ibn Arabi used this theory of Ghazali regarding the development of meaning in creating his new idea, and by re-reading Ghazali's idea with a mystical approach, he presented his own theory regarding the expansion of meaning. While accepting the argument of the focal point of the theory of the spirit of meaning, he removes it from the exclusivity to the "linear", and for this purpose, he brought up arguments as well as the Conditions of Hermeneutic Interpretation in this regard. Ibn Arabi's arguments on transversal interpretation include new formulations in the argument, which after him, this theory was favored and accepted by Mulla Sadra, and then it was accepted by his students.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 92

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