One of the poems of Armaghan-e-Hejaz collection is "Majlis-e-Iblis". Iqbal's famous poem, which is generally taught in master's courses in Urdu language and literature. In this poem, Allama Iqbal has well exposed the conspiracies of the devilish system against Muslims. Explaining and studying the content of this system not only exposes the sinister intentions of the enemies of Islam, but also it articulates the weaknesses of Muslims. In addition, Iqbal's thoughts and philosophy are well expressed and the art of Allama Iqbal is that he has succeeded well to express a subject with such seriousness beautifully in poetic language and that the audience remains influenced by its content and form for a long time. Certainly, Iqbal's stay in England and the study of philosophy and thought played the most important role in prevailing the philosophical and political circles of that country, in preparing him to find out problems and difficulties of the Islamic world and effective factors in causing these problems and difficulties during his intellectual maturity. He composed such a poem in perfect beauty.