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مرکز اطلاعات علمی SID1

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از آغاز تاسیس هرباریوم وزارت جهاد کشاورزی ("Iran") در سال 1324، طی ماموریت های صحرایی به مناطق مختلف ایران و نمونه برداری از گیاهان آوندی، علاوه بر جمع آوری های اندکی که از خزه ها نیز صورت می گرفت، پس از تاسیس مجموعه خزه ها یکی از زیرمجموعه های هرباریوم فوق در سال 1376، به منظور توسعه آن، نمونه برداری های منظم در قالب پروژه های تحقیقاتی توسط نگارنده آغاز گردید. ضمن مبادرت به شناسایی نمونه ها، به مواردی برخورد می شد که با بررسی های مولکولی و تجزیه و تحلیل های تبارزایشی که طی دهه های اخیر در مورد این گیاهان انجام گرفته، اسامی علمی آن ها نیز همچون دیگر رستنی ها، همواره دستخوش تغییراتی در سطوح مختلف تاکسونومیکی گردیده که لازم است هر از چندگاهی این اطلاعات روزآمد شوند. بر این اساس، با بازنگری کل نمونه های خزه موجود در هرباریوم مذکور با استفاده از منابع معتبر، بیش از 240 گونه شناسایی گردید که از این میان، نام 39 آرایه بروزرسانی و تصحیح شد. لذا هدف از این نوشتار، ارایه نخستین فهرست خزه های هرباریوم "Iran" شامل 248 گونه، 92 جنس متعلق به 37 تیره تحت 12 راسته و چهار رده می باشد.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 222

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 120


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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 114

Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Abstract: This study sought to answer the question of what are the causes of marital infidelity in the Iranian family. To Answer the Research Question, Qualitative Meta-Synthesis (QMS) Method Were Used. Then, 78 Scientific Papers Which Were Considered Marital Infidelity in Iran were identified and were Analyzed. The results showed that the factors of infidelity in Iran can be classified into 9 main categories, including: 1. Social factors, 2. Psychological factors, 3. Cultural factors, 4. Family factors, 5. Personal factors, 6. Relational factors, 7. Economic factors, 8. Media factors, 9. Contextual factors. Each of the main Categories is divided into Different Subcategories. The Social Factors of infidelity were including “Infidelity Opportunities”, “Friend groups” and “Environmental Conditions”. Psychological Factors of Infidelity Were Including “Personality Type”, “Attachment Styles”, and their “Love Schema”. Cultural Factors have Pointed to “Change in Beliefs and values” and “the level of Religious Education” of people. The Family Factors were including “Inappropriate Marriage”, “Family Conflict” and “the Kind of Family Background of people”. The Personal Factors are “Sexual Dissatisfaction”, “Emotional Dissatisfaction”, “the Feeling of Loneliness”, “the Spouse Unavailability”, “Weakness in Controlling Spouse”, “Domestic Violence”, “Revenge of the Spouse” and “the Role of the Third Person in the Relationship”. The Economic factors are including “the Economic Status of the person”, “the Role of Economic Problems”, “the motivation of entering into infidelity under the Pretext of Job promotion”. The media Factors Were Emphasized on “weakening Iranian Values through Social Media Networks and Foreign Satellite Channels” and “Producing of New Needs by Media”. Finally, the Contextual Factors were including the Role of “Age” and “Gender” in the Infidelity. Findings showed that Infidelity Occurred in the group of men and youth in Iran, more than other Social Groups.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 90

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Improving participation in voluntary activities in Iran is important because increasing productivity among young people, given the country's young population, contributes to community sustainability. Therefore, a better understanding of volunteer motivation in Iranian youth is needed. The Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) for assessing volunteer motivations has good psychometric properties and is adapted to several languages, but no validated Iranian translation yet exists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric Characteristics of voluntary functions inventory in members of Iranian Red Crescent Society. Sample size was 595 members of Youth Organization of Iranian Red Crescent Society from 31 provinces and 175 cities of Iran that were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and responded to voluntary functions inventory. Data were collected using a demographic sample and voluntary functions inventory (VFI). Confirmatory factor analysis using principal components method was used for data analysis. The results of the present study showed that the voluntary functions inventory had validity and reliability. Also, the factor structure showed that 29 items and 6 factors well assess people's attitudes to volunteering, and the structure of this inventory was well-fitted and confirmed all goodness of fit models. The present study provides the use of the Iranian translation of the Voluntary Functions Inventory (6 scales and 29 items) to assess volunteer motivation among young Iranian volunteers.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 72

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The importance of female heads of households in providing the basic needs of household members on the one hand and the limitations they face in most socio-economic fields have made it necessary to pay attention to the issues of female heads of households in most societies including our country. The purpose of this study is to use the systematic review method to review and evaluate the policy proposals that have been proposed in Iran for women heads of households. A total of 296 articles and 5 reports were identified. In the review and eligibility phase, the total number of selected texts was considered to be 79 texts, of which 62 studies used the quantitative method and 17 studies used the qualitative method. Based on the studies that proposed policy proposals, the characteristics of female heads of the household, the axes of vulnerability, the evaluation of policies and proposals were determined. The findings showed that more policy proposals were made based on the characteristics of low literacy, being unemployed, and being middle-aged. Based on the axes of vulnerability, women heads of households are more vulnerable psychologically and socially than they are materially vulnerable in many cases. The evaluation of policies for women heads of households showed that the most interventions for the empowerment of women heads of households were focused on the economic field and were mainly pursued in the form of financial payments and did not pay enough attention to other aspects of women's empowerment, while the empowerment of women heads of households was successful when It is expected to simultaneously pay attention to their mental health and improve their social and economic status.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 66

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 191


Zamani Bahador | Asadpour Hajar

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ABSTRACT With the expansion of inefficient tissues, "Urban regeneration" has been objectified as a solution for developing cities in different physical, social and economic dimensions. Despite the development of the guidelines for urban regeneration projects, these projects in Iran still have challenges in the stage of realization and implementation. This article aims to identify the "challenges and causes of non-realization of urban regeneration projects in Iran" and analyse the research conducted in this field with a qualitative approach. For this purpose, a meta-analysis of 23 articles in the field of problems of urban regeneration projects in Iran was carried out. The challenges raised in the AtlasTI software were extracted with the help of open and axial coding. In the following, 100 codes were determined in the form of 10 groups or general categories. In the end, the obstacles to the realization of urban regeneration projects in Iran were given. According to the obtained results, the weak presence of non-governmental organizations, the problems of preparing plans, institutional and management problems, and the weakness of participation are the four most important and frequent challenges in the research related to the realization of urban regeneration projects in Iran Extended Abstract Introduction The trend of urban population growth and the expansion of inefficient urban fabrics along with the increasing immigrant population to the cities makes the planners think of filling the existing urban fabrics with excessive density and land use change, instead of the city horizontal development with regard to the urban sustainable development prism. Poor housing, low per capita services, lack of necessary infrastructure, low quality of life, economic stagnation and functional inefficiency, unorganized physical-spatial structure, high vulnerability to earthquakes, loss of social status, and various social problems exemplify the typical challenges of such deteriorated areas. Deterioration of the urban fabric has prompted the emergence of various urban development policies among which regeneration as an overarching approach characterized by its economic, social, environmental, physical, ecological dimensions and components including quality of life, justice, revitalization and participation. This concept, as an urban development policy, has been defined and applied in the vulnerable and deteriorated areas of cities in recent years. Started from physical redevelopment in the Second World War and passing through policies concentrated on social and economic welfare, urban regeneration policies moved towards the participation of local residents and the creation of sustainable places in recent decades. However, taking into consideration the manifestation challenges of urban development plans, in the existing literature, urban regeneration challenges have been less comprehensively investigated. This paper aims to identify the "challenges and causes of lack of urban regeneration plans manifestation in Iran" based on the review and analysis of the research conducted in this field with a qualitative approach in response to this question: "What are the challenges and obstacles to the manifestation of urban regeneration projects in Iran?”   Methodology This research aims to identify "challenges and obstacles to the manifestation of urban regeneration projects in Iran" through a meta-analysis of the research conducted in this field. Conducting a systematic search in MagIran, comprehensive humanities portal, and Google Scholar databases using the Boolean logic search used the keyword (challenges) AND key phrases (‘manifestation of plans’ AND ‘urban regeneration in Iran’) resulted in more than 70 Persian papers, 2 English papers, and 2 English theses. The reviewed studies included research and review papers, case study research, and the special issue of urban regeneration policy of Haft Shahr Journal. The geographical scope of the investigated studies covers the historical contexts of Iran, and metropolises such as Tehran, Tabriz, Shiraz, and Isfahan. Reviewing the abstracts, 23 studies were selected among which the research focusing on the different types of regeneration, and evaluation of urban regeneration indicators were excluded from the research process. To conduct meta-analysis after a comprehensive review of each study, open and focused coding of challenges was done through Atlas.ti software (version 8), and the obstacles to the manifestation of the plans were extracted. Coding process continued until the saturation was reached. Finally, the 115 codes obtained was reduced to 100 through integrating similar codes. Then, all the codes were categorized into 10 categories, and a comprehensive model of "challenges of manifestation of urban regeneration projects in Iran" was presented.   Results and discussion Based on the conducted review, the recognized problems with emphasis on the different aspects of urban regeneration projects are: 1) Weak presence of non-governmental organizations (18 codes); 2) Problems of preparing plans (17 codes); 3) Institutional and managerial problems (14 codes); 4) Weakness of participation (13 codes); 5) Duration and financial problems of urban regeneration plans (10 codes); 6) Problems of urban regeneration plans process (8 codes); 7) loss of identity of fabrics in the preparation of the plan (6 codes); 8) Lack of context-oriented approach (7 codes); 9) inefficient evaluation of plans (4 codes); 10) lack of social and specialized training for citizens and officials (3 codes). The lack of endogenous theory and insufficient knowledge of the environment and residents obstacle the manifestation of urban regeneration plans. Despite pretending the use of non-governmental organizations, the relevant law weaknesses, and the lack of belief in the effectiveness of it has led to disregard of the participation of non-governmental organizations in practice in the process of preparing and implementing development plans resulting in an inadequate context for manifestation of urban regeneration plans. In addition, the government supervision on NGO’s in the way of achieving independence has also caused limitations for their interplay. In terms of the issues in the preparation of plans, more emphasis on the physical and economic dimensions and the purely physical view, and the lack of attention to the social and cultural consequences, along with the loss of the community identity, are the factors of the failure of the plans to achieve the expected results. The lack of coordination between programs and multiple decision-makers led to the institutional confrontation instead of interaction. In this regard, the necessity of an integrated and comprehensive approach to urban regeneration has been acknowledged in the reviewed studies. NGO’s can play an effective role in communicating with citizens, educating citizens and informing them. It is also necessary to have the participation of the private sector and other organizations involved in the field of urban development in addition to public participation in all steps of preparation, implementation and occupation of projects and development plans. In the absence of a context-oriented approach in the preparation and implementation of urban regeneration plans in Iran with blind imitation of western models and the existence of limited urban infrastructure, following consequences are inevitable: uncertainty in terms of time, cost and site preparation before the implementation of the plan; lack of definition of urban regeneration plans in the different scales, neighborhood, region and city; and the uncertainty of the relationship between these plans and other urban development plans. As such in the current inadequate conditions driving the process of preparing plans, the possibility of implementing new policies and plans, is low and the implemented plans like many other urban development plans in Iran, are inefficient in the absence of the post occupancy evaluation.   Conclusion Based on the results, four priority challenges in the manifestation of urban regeneration plans in Iran include; the weak presence of non-governmental organizations, the problems of preparing plans, institutional and managerial issues, and the weakness of participation. "The weak presence of non-governmental organizations" has been mentioned as the first challenge in most reviewed studies (Ahmadifar et al., 2014). Regarding the "participation of citizens" even though in the set of laws and regulations of sustainable urban regeneration, promotion of citizenship culture, participation, and cooperation of local institutions are highlighted, the residents are not welcomed in practice. On the other hand, the lack of people's participation in the preparation and implementation of plans has made any urban regeneration actions fail or achieve to its partial goals. In this regard, the results of the previous comparative comparisons have shown that the lack of laws and regulations supporting participation in various fields is of the key factors (Nourian and Ariana, 2011, Shafie Dastjerdi and Sadeghi, 2016). The problems of preparing plans, institutional and managerial issues, ranked as the third and fourth issues in this study, have been emphasized in previous studies as well (Kalantari Khalil Abad et al., Pakro and Sattarzadeh, 2014, Izadi et al., 2019). Therefore, prioritizing the challenges raised by experts and determining operational strategies to solve them are issues that can be addressed in future studies.   Keywords Urban regeneration plans, manifestation, meta-analysis   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution All of the authors approved the content of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work.   Conflict of Interest Authors declared no conflict of interest.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 94

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A B S T R A C T Temperature is one of the climate elements that has fluctuated a lot over time. When these fluctuations increase and decrease more than normal and are placed in the upper and lower regions of the statistical distribution, if continued, it can lead to the creation of heating and cooling waves. The purpose of this study is to analyze the temporal and spatial changes in heating and cooling waves in Iran during a period of 50 years. For this purpose, the temperature of 663 synoptic stations from 1962 to 2004 was obtained from the Esfazari database. Then, in order to complete this database, the daily temperature from 2004 to 2011 was obtained from the Meteorological Organization of the country and added to the aforementioned database. In order to perform calculations and draw maps, Matlab, grads and Surfer software have been used. The results of this study showed that the index of cooling waves and heating waves, while having a direct effect on each other, had an increasing trend in most of the area of Iran. The statistical distribution of the index of cooling waves is more heterogeneous than that of the index of heating waves. So that the spatial variation coefficient for cold waves is 84.22%. Also, the index of cooling waves has more spatial variability. The highest common diffraction of the index of heating and cooling waves has been seen in the northwest, east and along the Zagros mountains. Analysis of the indexes trends show that heat waves have intensified in 65.8% of Iran and the intensity of cold waves has decreased in 48.5% of Iran Extended Abstract Introduction Temperature is one of the major climatic variables, which it has a direct impact on different aspects of human life. It plays an essential role in the growth of crops and is considered a key driver of the biological system(Reicosky et al, 1988). It is associated with several types of extremes, for example, heat and cold waves which caused human societies maximum damage. Past occurrences of heat waves hitherto had significant impacts on several aspects of society. Have increased Mortality and morbidity. Ecosystems can be affected, as well as increased pressure on infrastructures that support society, such as water, transportation, and energy(Dewce, 2016). The long-term change of extreme temperatures has a key role in climatic change. The form of statistical distribution and the variability of mean values and also extreme event indicate a change in the region. It can be a small relative change in the mean as a result of a large change in the probability of extreme occurrence. Also, the variation in temperature data variance is significantly more important than the mean, for assessing the extreme occurrence of climate(Toreti and Desiato, 2008). The average surface temperature has increased the world between 0.56 and 0.92 ° C over the past 100 years(IPCC, 2007). Meanwhile, it was in the Middle East, the average daily temperature increased by 0.4-0.5 ° C in decades(Kostopoulou et al, 2014; Tanarhte et al, 2012). Considering that not many studies have been done in the field of spatio-temporal Variations of the heating and cooling waves thresholds in Iran, in this study, the spatio-temporal Variations of the heating and cooling waves thresholds in Iran during 50 years were examined and analyzed.   Methodology The daily temperature from the beginning of the year 21/03/1967 to 19/05/2005 was obtained from the Esfazari database prepared by Dr. Masoudian at the University of Isfahan. In order to increase the time resolution of the mentioned database, the daily temperature of observations from 05/21/2005 to 05/12/2012 has been added to the mentioned database using the same method, and the exact spatial resolution (15 x 15 km) is used as a database. Threshold indices of heating waves are the average numbers between the 95th and 99th percentiles, that is, the extreme hot threshold to the limit of excessively extreme hot. For extreme cool, from the 5th percentile down to zero is used. Of course, a condition was added to these thresholds, which is that these thresholds must be repeated two days in a row. These thresholds were extracted for each day in the 50 years of the study period and used as the original database. In order to analyze the relationship between cooling and heating waves, Pearson's correlation coefficient was used and regression was used to analyze the trend.   Results and discussion The average of cold waves was 5.26 ° C and for the heat waves is 30.20° C. Generally, if the temperature is upper or lower than this threshold, it is considered as hot or cold temperatures. A comparison of the median, mode, and average of cold waves with heat waves shows that the distribution is more heterogeneous for cold waves and its CV is 84.22%. In southern Iran, the average threshold heat waves are higher. This situation can be caused by the effects of subtropical high-pressure radiation, low latitude, and proximity to the sea. Though the threshold is higher in these areas, fewer fluctuations and changes are seen in the area. Heights moderate the temperature so they pose a minimum threshold for heat waves i.e. an iso-threshold of 25 ° C is consistent along the Zagros mountain chains, but in the west and east of Zagros Mountains, the threshold of heat waves is increased. Heat waves have increased in most areas of the country. So nearly 85 percent of the Iran has been an increasing trend, of which 65.8 percent is statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. Still, more areas of the country (60 percent) have a trend between 0.00828 and 0.00161. As can be seen, only 15% of the land area (including the southwest and northwest of the Country) had decreased heat waves. Cold waves, in most parts of the country, have a Positive Trend. However, about 25 percent of the study area's cold waves have a negative trend. they are located in areas higher than Latitude 30°. The largest decline of the wave's trend along the country is highlands. Nowadays, most of the country, has a trend between 0.01494 and 0.00828 ° C, respectively. Conclusion Common changes and effects of heat and cold waves had a direct relationship in many parts of the country. It is remarkable common variance in the East reached 55 percent, according to statistical significance. In some areas of the northwest and southwest, which have been impressive heights, the common variance is 40 percent. This common variance in mountains area has been high values. Investigation of heat waves trend shows that 65.8% of Iran significant positive trend and 7.1% significant negative trend. Also, the cold waves trend has indicated a 48.5% significant positive trend and a 10.8% significant negative trend. Climate change and global warming have changed the frequency and severity of temperature extremes. The present study, by examining the number of warm waves, concluded that the warm waves have increased in magnitude in 65.8% of the Iran zone. Also, the study of the cold waves trend showed that 48.5 percent of Iran had a positive trend, which means that the amount of temperature in the cold waves increased In other words, the severity of the cold has been reduced And only 10.8 percent of Iran had a negative cold wave trend And it shows the intensity of these waves is reduced.   Funding There is no funding support.   Authors’ Contribution The authors contributed equally to the conceptualization and writing of the article. All of the authors approthe contenttent of the manuscript and agreed on all aspects of the work declaration of competing interest none.   Conflict of Interest The authors declared no conflict of interest.   Acknowledgments  We are grateful to all the scientific consultants of this paper.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 70

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NIAZI MOHSEN | Mazrouie Esmaiel | Nouri Zahra

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Environment and its conservation is one of the present issues in risky modern life. Although, the present world has been improving during last years, it hasn’t been able to solve environmental problems and it has caused its deterioration. Littering in jungle, seashore, public places and passages is one of the significant environmental issues in society of Iran. The Purpose of the present study is investigation of the reasons of littering formation by the approach of Causal Layered Analyses (CLA) and planning scenario. The present study analyzed the layers forming the present social issue and searched the origin of it. In order to accomplish this study, 15 experts in environment and society were interviewed by Qualitative and exploring method and applying deep interview technique. Then, after exploiting the contents and content analysis of interviews, their opinions presented in 4 forms as litany, systematic, discourse analysis and metaphor. By applying the present discourses, the gap between state-people and people-people were recognized as important variables and were applied in presenting scenario. Finally 4 scenarios presented in a diagram which can help strategists and officials of the society.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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