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    1 (64)
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Since establishment of the Herbarium Ministerii Iranici Agriculturae ("Iran") in 1945, during field excursions to different regions of Iran, while sampling flowering plants along with some minor collections of mosses, after establishment of the herbarium of mosses in 1997, in order to expanding the said herbarium, regular samplings were started by the author in the form of research projects. While trying to identify the moss samples, taking into consideration of extensive molecular researches and phylogenetic analyses which are being carried out worlwidely, the scientific names of this group of plants, resembling other plants, are always subject to change at different taxonomic levels, hence it becomes necessary to update this information every now and then. Based on this, by reviewing all the moss samples in the above-mentioned herbarium using reliable sources, more than 240 species were identified, of which the names of 39 taxa were updated. The aim of this paper is, therefore, to present the first list of mosses of the “, Iran”,herbarium including 248 species, 92 genera belonging to 37 families under 12 orders and four classes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Abstract: This study sought to answer the question of what are the causes of marital infidelity in the Iranian family. To Answer the Research Question, Qualitative Meta-Synthesis (QMS) Method Were Used. Then, 78 Scientific Papers Which Were Considered Marital Infidelity in Iran were identified and were Analyzed. The results showed that the factors of infidelity in Iran can be classified into 9 main categories, including: 1. Social factors, 2. Psychological factors, 3. Cultural factors, 4. Family factors, 5. Personal factors, 6. Relational factors, 7. Economic factors, 8. Media factors, 9. Contextual factors. Each of the main Categories is divided into Different Subcategories. The Social Factors of infidelity were including “Infidelity Opportunities”, “Friend groups” and “Environmental Conditions”. Psychological Factors of Infidelity Were Including “Personality Type”, “Attachment Styles”, and their “Love Schema”. Cultural Factors have Pointed to “Change in Beliefs and values” and “the level of Religious Education” of people. The Family Factors were including “Inappropriate Marriage”, “Family Conflict” and “the Kind of Family Background of people”. The Personal Factors are “Sexual Dissatisfaction”, “Emotional Dissatisfaction”, “the Feeling of Loneliness”, “the Spouse Unavailability”, “Weakness in Controlling Spouse”, “Domestic Violence”, “Revenge of the Spouse” and “the Role of the Third Person in the Relationship”. The Economic factors are including “the Economic Status of the person”, “the Role of Economic Problems”, “the motivation of entering into infidelity under the Pretext of Job promotion”. The media Factors Were Emphasized on “weakening Iranian Values through Social Media Networks and Foreign Satellite Channels” and “Producing of New Needs by Media”. Finally, the Contextual Factors were including the Role of “Age” and “Gender” in the Infidelity. Findings showed that Infidelity Occurred in the group of men and youth in Iran, more than other Social Groups.

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Improving participation in voluntary activities in Iran is important because increasing productivity among young people, given the country's young population, contributes to community sustainability. Therefore, a better understanding of volunteer motivation in Iranian youth is needed. The Volunteer Functions Inventory (VFI) for assessing volunteer motivations has good psychometric properties and is adapted to several languages, but no validated Iranian translation yet exists. The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric Characteristics of voluntary functions inventory in members of Iranian Red Crescent Society. Sample size was 595 members of Youth Organization of Iranian Red Crescent Society from 31 provinces and 175 cities of Iran that were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and responded to voluntary functions inventory. Data were collected using a demographic sample and voluntary functions inventory (VFI). Confirmatory factor analysis using principal components method was used for data analysis. The results of the present study showed that the voluntary functions inventory had validity and reliability. Also, the factor structure showed that 29 items and 6 factors well assess people's attitudes to volunteering, and the structure of this inventory was well-fitted and confirmed all goodness of fit models. The present study provides the use of the Iranian translation of the Voluntary Functions Inventory (6 scales and 29 items) to assess volunteer motivation among young Iranian volunteers.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The importance of female heads of households in providing the basic needs of household members on the one hand and the limitations they face in most socio-economic fields have made it necessary to pay attention to the issues of female heads of households in most societies including our country. The purpose of this study is to use the systematic review method to review and evaluate the policy proposals that have been proposed in Iran for women heads of households. A total of 296 articles and 5 reports were identified. In the review and eligibility phase, the total number of selected texts was considered to be 79 texts, of which 62 studies used the quantitative method and 17 studies used the qualitative method. Based on the studies that proposed policy proposals, the characteristics of female heads of the household, the axes of vulnerability, the evaluation of policies and proposals were determined. The findings showed that more policy proposals were made based on the characteristics of low literacy, being unemployed, and being middle-aged. Based on the axes of vulnerability, women heads of households are more vulnerable psychologically and socially than they are materially vulnerable in many cases. The evaluation of policies for women heads of households showed that the most interventions for the empowerment of women heads of households were focused on the economic field and were mainly pursued in the form of financial payments and did not pay enough attention to other aspects of women's empowerment, while the empowerment of women heads of households was successful when It is expected to simultaneously pay attention to their mental health and improve their social and economic status.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Yearly Impact:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Environment and its conservation is one of the present issues in risky modern life. Although, the present world has been improving during last years, it hasn’t been able to solve environmental problems and it has caused its deterioration. Littering in jungle, seashore, public places and passages is one of the significant environmental issues in society of Iran. The Purpose of the present study is investigation of the reasons of littering formation by the approach of Causal Layered Analyses (CLA) and planning scenario. The present study analyzed the layers forming the present social issue and searched the origin of it. In order to accomplish this study, 15 experts in environment and society were interviewed by Qualitative and exploring method and applying deep interview technique. Then, after exploiting the contents and content analysis of interviews, their opinions presented in 4 forms as litany, systematic, discourse analysis and metaphor. By applying the present discourses, the gap between state-people and people-people were recognized as important variables and were applied in presenting scenario. Finally 4 scenarios presented in a diagram which can help strategists and officials of the society.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    2 (166)
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Crown gall caused by Agrobacterium spp. has been observed in various crop species and in several provinces of Iran in recent years. In an attempt to identify the Agrobacterium species causing the disease in different areas of the country, strains were isolated from various infected crop species and characterized by phenotypic features, electrophoretic profile of cell proteins and BOX IR fingerprinting.On the basis of their phenotypic features, the strains were differentiated into three separate groups. The phenotypic characteristics of the first group of strains were closely similar to those of A. tumefaciens (Rhizobium tumefaciens). Members of the second group, isolated from infected grapevines were also identified as A. tumefaciens. Strains of the third group were phenotypically different from all described species, but appeared to be more similar to A. tumefaciens. These strains were not able to grow on any of the selective media tested and displayed a limited host range, infecting mainly sweet cherry All strains had a similar plasmid profile. The electrophoretic profile of cell proteins of the strains was different, although some similarity of the pattern was noted in the high-molecular weight region. In fingerprinting using BOX IR primer, a high level of heterogeneity was observed, nonetheless two major groups were differentiated. Phenotypic features appeared to be reliable criteria in identification of Agrobacterium species encountered in this study.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Lactation length is different in individual cows, which is generally converted to a 305-day standard using curve fitting models for genetic and management practices. Individual curves do not have a standard shape in all cases, and can deviate from the standard pattern according to factors such as individual differences, and type of fitted models. These non-standard curves, called atypical, resulted from incorrect estimated parameters of the curves; which consist of: continuously increasing or decreasing and reversed standards. This study was conducted to investigate the importance of atypical curves in estimation of 305-day milk production, by fitting two nonlinear models? Wood (empirical) and Pollott (biological), on 7659 and 6692 test-day milk yield of 977 and 776 first calving Iranian Simmental and Jersey cows, during 2007-2020, using R software. Different patterns obtained based on the combination of increasing (b) and decreasing (c) phase parameters of curves. The number of standard curves from the Pollott and Wood models were 85.5% and 62.2% for Simmental, and 83.1% and 70.6% for Jersey cows, respectively. Only continuously increasing curves were observed in both breeds in Pollott model (14.8% and 16.9%, Simmental and Jersey cows, respectively); Whereas in Wood model, all 3 groups of atypical curves were observed, which the reversed standard was the most (22.3% and 16.5%, Simmental and Jersey cows, respectively). Based on the findings, at the time of standardizing the production of dairy cows (national evaluations), not only differences between breeds, but also special attention to the production of atypical curves, should be paid (to correct or discard them).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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