Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Scientometric & Data Analysis

Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Scientometric & Data Analysis

• The data analysis department of this center works in the direction of collecting, refining, processing, and disseminating all kinds of scientific and textual data. Development of bibliometric data collection systems from various sources of textual data available in the SID database, including extracting relevant articles, extracting hot topics, and ranking universities for the development of systems, as well as analyzing all types of data available on the web such as news agencies and various websites, social network data analysis, and the development of web-based information processing tools and management dashboards are among the activities of this department.

Capabilities of cooperation in the field of data analysis and scientometric
• Web Scraping
• Data Mining
• Web Mining
• Machine Learning
• Sentiment Analysis
• Text Mining
• Deep Learning
• GUI Programming
• Bibliometrics
• Preparing bibliographic reports based on SID, Web of Science, and Scopus in specific subjects
• The ability to extract data from internal and external databases
• Super keywords extraction
• Assisting researchers to submit articles to journals
• Assisting researchers to be more visible and impactful
• Assisting and topic suggestions for writing essays and dissertations
• Analysis of user behavior on the web
• Assisting the universities to be in internal and external rankings
• Creating scientific databases
• Labeling scientific articles for more visibility
For more information or to request an order, please contact the data analysis expert (Contact us).
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