What normally comes to mind as translation proper is the interlingual translation, i.e. transferring a meaning or message out of the "form" of a language into the "form" of another. Translation, whether intralingual or interlingual, has had and will have an important role in expressing thoughts and developing human sciences. Intralingul a translation, i.e. to put a meaning in other words in the same language, is important in developing the thoughts within a single society; and interlingual translation is valuable for expanding communications and developing sciences and technologies between nations throughout the world. A review of the history of translation development shows that translation in its customary meaning has played a very significant role in transferring sciences and technologies and expansion and development of human knowledge and culture. This article intends to elaborate on the role of translation in the development of humanities. For this reason, while discussing the nature of translation from different perspectives, it deals with the evolution of translation throughout history in view of its impact on the flourishing of human sciences.