Arab Jinni rugs, illustrate special attitude of their creators who made exceptional and mysterious hand-made weavings. In 1993, Dr. Parham ascertained the name of this tribe as well as their weavings to Persian carpet literature for the first time.Despite unfamiliarity of this tribe in Iran-s literature and historical documents, it is mentioned in detail in the lineage books of Arab and Quran commentaries.Apparently in the ethnic and ideological beliefs of this tribe, believe in jinni and tendency to their mysteries is one of the factors that affect their motifs and designs.Recognition of Arab-Jinni tribes and their beliefs, plausible ancestral and ideological relation of this mysterious and unknown tribe with them, totemic tendencies of creators of such rugs, the influence of cultural reconciliation of three important western Asia, Mesopotamia, and Persia-India civilizations on the formation of their motifs are among the most important outcomes of this research.