The Dash Aghol iron deposit is located in the northeast of Bukan city and is hosted by Jurassic volcano-sedimentary sequence. The main host rock of the Dash Aghol deposit includes sandstone, limy tuff and limestone. Based on geometry of ore body, two different types of mineralization were distinguished in Dash Aghol deposit: lenticular primary mineralization which occurred as parallel and concordant with layering of the host rocks. Ore textures of this type include massive, laminated and disseminated forms existing in sandstone, limy tuff and limestone. Second type, includes supergene vein-veinlet and open space filling mineralization which is associated with faults and related brecciated zones and were occurred in hanging wall rocks of the primary ore lense. According to the stratigraphy, ore body form, texture, paragenetic sequences, ore bearing chert-carbonate-tuff facies and mineralogy, the iron mieralization in Dash Aghol deposit is stratiform tuff carbonate-sandstone host rocks deposits, in rolcano-sedimentary sequence of Jurassic, which were precipitated in shallow marine environment.