In 2004 and 2005 growing seasons, 260 bean leaf samples with mosaic, vein-banding, and leaf-rolling symptoms were collected from bean fields of Fars, Kohgiluye va Boyer-Ahmad, Isfahan and Tehran provinces. ELISA test (DAS-ELISA and Indirect-ELISA), using BCMV antiserum, confirmed infection of 110 samples to BCMV. A selected isolate of BCMV from Fars province was inoculated on three bean genotypes (butter bean ks-21478, kidney bean ks-31170 and navy bean ks-41235). Ten to fifteen days after inoculation, plants were tested for the presence of virus by ELISA (DAS-ELISA and Indirect-ELISA). According to the results, the percentages of infected plants to BCMV were 65.4% for butter bean genotype, 58.1% for kidney bean genotype and 3.6% for navy bean genotype. The twenty five inoculated plants of each butter bean and kidney bean genotypes and the thirty five inoculated plants of navy bean genotype were tested by RT-PCR and IC-RT-PCR using specific primers of BCMV. Based on results, the amplification of an 890 bp fragment was detected in ELISA positive of butter bean and kidney bean genotypes as well as some ELISA negative plants. The twenty five symptomless and ELISA negative plants of navy bean genotype had also positive amplification in RT-PCR and IC-RT-PCR tests. To determine the rate of seed transmission in the three genotypes, infected bean plants were maintained in greenhouse until seed production and the seeds were harvested and planted. The plants which grew from these seeds were analyzed at two-leaf stages for the presence of BCMV using DAS-ELISA and ICRT- PCR. The seed transmission rates in butter bean (ks-21478), kidney bean (ks-31170) and navy bean (ks- 41235) genotypes were 78.3%, 79.8% and 54.9%, respectively.