he current study aimed to investigate the status of Harakat Journal from its first volume (summer, 1378, No.1) to the last one (winter, 1368). Descriptive research method was used. The statistical population included 338 published papers in 34 Harakat journals, and the statistical sample was equal to the statistical population. The data analysis identified 338 papers (average of 9.94) for each volume. In these papers, papers with three authors and five authors had the highest and the lowest percentage (30% and 5% respectively). Regarding research methods, 52% of papers were descriptive, 19% experimental and 29% semiexperimental. The sport physiology had the highest number of papers (n=147) and sport biomechanics the lowest number of papers (n=9). Regarding data sources, books and papers had the highest number of reference. Also, English language sources were more referred to than Persian language sources. University of Tehran with 103 papers, Guilan University with 40 papers and Tarbiat Modarres University with 23 papers occupied first to third places. On the other hand, universities of Shiraz, Shahid Rajaee and Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem with 1 paper occupied the last place.