This study analyzes the direct effect of audio-enhanced reading (reading while listening simultaneously) on the reading comprehension of thirty five Iranian males studying English as a Foreign Language in an intensive program in an institute. The study also examines the potential relationship of the listening tasks under study and subjects listening comprehension (on both control and experimental groups). The process for the experiment entailed the administration of fifteen reading passages between 150 to 220 words in length each followed by a 7-item multiple choice comprehension test as well as using Person to Person video tape in language lab during the course. The result did not indicate any superiority of the experimental group over the control one. The subjects understood the passages equally well. Results of correlation coefficients showed some significant relationship between the subjects' comprehension skills and their performance on the simultaneous listen-read passages.That is, the subjects with higher listening comprehension skills performed better at the simultaneous reading while listening than those with lower listening comprehension scores.Research Project 1-Audio-enhanced: Reading while listening simultaneously 2-Reading: Perceiving a written text in order to understand its contents 3-Comprehension: The understanding that results in the process of silent reading 4-EFL: English as a Foreign Language