History & Objective: percutaneous coronary angioplasty (PTCA) had found a widespread acceptance in treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD). Regarding a controversy being raised about early complication of this method in literature, the present study was aimed to study and evaluate the result of application of this method immediately and one year after operation.Materials & methods: The subjects included 46 patients between 40 and 60 years of age (32 male and 14 female). 32 of cases had single vessel, 7 cases had two vessel and 4 cases had three vessel disease. 20 patients underwent stent implant (i.e. 4 cases of primary stenting and 16 cases of Bailout stenting).tread mill test was done for all patients before and 4 months after PTCA.Results: Pre- and post PTCA tread mill test was positive in 46 and 18 cases, respectively. No re-stenosis, severe bleeding, myocardial infarction, or mortality were reported. Discussion: Since the present study suffers from small number of cases, further studies are required to give a better understanding of the issue.