Current aesthetic criticism, which is based on non-standard language and its overt and covert structures and functions, is relatively new. Its origin goes back to the era of formalism, which valued the role of language in creating beauty in a literary work. An aesthetic critic does his best to study the quantity and quality of the pleasurableness of a work of art. Since beauty is the origin of pleasure, the approach to aestheticism is to focus on the idea of pleasure.The present article tries to embark on an aesthetic review of the story of Zaal and Roodabeh, taking into account the current status of this Kind of literary criticism in the realm of language and literature.In this story, there are parts that are beautiful in language and high in aesthetic values. This story is replete with figurative features, such as simile, metaphor, trope, and kenning. Ferdowsi’s conscious approach to the magic effects of language to make ideas and thoughts eternal is certainly to be acknowledged and praised.