The sage of Ganjeh believes that love is the basis of all creation and that loveless life is in fact death. Love, in his view, is an elixir that polishes the mind’s mirror and consists of different Kinds: mystic, physical, pure, and maternal. Mystic love is over and above the other kinds. This pure love is a splendid example of the unity of the lover and the beloved, since, unlike physical love, it never speaks of the facial beauties of the beloved. Archimedes' love of a Chinese maid, which took him away from Aristotle’s classes, was of the physical type.Nezami speaks of pure love, the basic principle of which is secrecy, confidentiality, and chastity. The lovers’ chastity was the sole cause of their separation. Such lovers bear the pains of love and are ready to die; they are in fact martyrs.Another kind of pure love is maternal love, an innate love that remains intact evens years after the death of the beloved. Women in Khamseh are unique in beauty and love; they have beautiful and enchanting faces and hearts, yet they are still deprived of their basic right to choose their spouses. Their marriages were forced upon them, arranged politically, or were done according to a will. Only in a few cases, they married with love and desire.