The issue of responsibility on the part of the youth and the level of their loyalty to the basic principles and regulations dominating the community are among the basic issues in social sciences realm, especially in sociology. Undoubtedly, social order and security as establishment of coordination among components of social system in order to achieve the objectives of the whole system is one of the important characteristics of ideal society. The issue is accomplished when members of the society as elements which form components of social system follow their own responsibilities and implement them, and consider themselves responsible to other members of the society. The present article mainly aims at reviewing the level of accountability of the youth toward the society and its relationship with social security feeling in Mashad city.The research is conducted through survey, and questionnaire is used for this purpose. In order to facilitate and speed up the research and save time and money, 385 young people selected through random systematic method for survey.Nominal validity, index for reliability, and Cronbach’s Alpha for stability of research tools is used. In addition, Pearson correlation coefficient statistical methods, variance analysis for testing hypotheses, regression technique and path analysis to assess research model are used, as well.Findings and Conclusion: Based on the research findings, there is a signifi- cant relationship between social responsibility (r=0.64), social commitment (r=0.52), social trust (r=0.72), and the youth education (r=0.34) and social security feeling. Results of regression coefficient indicates that social commitment (Beta=0.32), social responsibility (Beta=0.15), social trust (Beta=0.12) and education (Beta=0.11) based on their level importance in relation with dependent variable have entered the regression equation, and all together they have managed to explain and justify 63 percent of the dependent variable variance (R=0.63). Findings of the research indicate that the more responsible are the youth, the more secure will be the society.