Sirjan is one of the most important cities of Kerman province, which was relocated three times in historical and Islamic periods and was founded in the present-day downtown in the Qajar period. Thus far, historians and researchers have expressed various views about the city's formation, destruction, and relocation in different periods. According to the archaeological studies, new information was obtained that is particularly important in analyzing and evaluating previous views. This study analyzes and criticizes previous views measuring them by written sources and archaeological data obtained from field research, and seeks to clarify the historical developments of Sirjan city. In fact, it aims to reject, criticize and challenge previous views about this city by pinpointing logical reasons. Owing to the importance of Sirjan city in the Islamic era and regarding the numerous views expressed about its relocations and fall, it was necessary to write this article to fill the study gaps in this field based on the latest findings. Furthermore, this study aimed to provide new information and acceptable results about the city based on written sources and new archaeological studies by challenging the previous hypotheses. New findings explained how the formation, development, and particularly the location and relocation of Sirjan occurred in different periods showing that we must re-read the documents.