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مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Increasing Perception of the Environment in the Historical Context of for the Social Stability of the Neighborhoods (Case Study: "Baazarche-ye-Fil" Pass in Es'haagh Beig Neighborhoods and HajZeinal Pass in Sang-e Siah and Sare_dozak Neighborhoods of Shiraz, Iran)




 A Neighborhood is a separate environment characterized by different structural features and social characteristics of the residents. In this connection, library studies and field surveys were conducted while direct observation was made to achieve effective social stability indicators in Neighborhoods. Thus, two prominent passes in two different Neighborhoods in the historical context of Shiraz were investigated. The present research falls under applied studies from an objective point of view and is a hybrid one from a nature perspective, which involves a content analysis based on library sources that help meet main research data. Then, a survey method via field visits was conducted to understand the research objectives better. The research findings are a combination of findings from documentary and case and field studies about the Bazarchey-e-Fil pass in the Es'haagh Beig and HajZeinal Pass in the Sang-e Siah Neighborhoods in the historical parts of Shiraz. Because the research sought to better understand the main nature of the Neighborhood concept by considering social stability principles, environment perception and historical context Neighborhood indicators were categorized, and the quality of the Perception of the Environment was examined. In sum, the indicators about positive and negative aspects were provided using case examples. The spaces where one could smell bread at bakeries and sweet at confectionaries were factors contributing to collective life. On the other hand, places with historical backgrounds were regarded to help identify and promote a Perception of the Environment. Thus, to understand the urban environment, social stability is seen as a major component of Shiraz's historic Neighborhoods.


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    APA: Copy

    GOLESTANI, NAFISEH, KHAKZAND, MEHDI, FAIZI, MOHSEN, & KARIMI, BAGHER. (2022). Increasing Perception of the Environment in the Historical Context of for the Social Stability of the Neighborhoods (Case Study: "Baazarche-ye-Fil" Pass in Es'haagh Beig Neighborhoods and HajZeinal Pass in Sang-e Siah and Sare_dozak Neighborhoods of Shiraz, Iran). ATHAR, 42(4 ), 568-584. SID. https://sid.ir/paper/986435/en

    Vancouver: Copy

    GOLESTANI NAFISEH, KHAKZAND MEHDI, FAIZI MOHSEN, KARIMI BAGHER. Increasing Perception of the Environment in the Historical Context of for the Social Stability of the Neighborhoods (Case Study: "Baazarche-ye-Fil" Pass in Es'haagh Beig Neighborhoods and HajZeinal Pass in Sang-e Siah and Sare_dozak Neighborhoods of Shiraz, Iran). ATHAR[Internet]. 2022;42(4 ):568-584. Available from: https://sid.ir/paper/986435/en

    IEEE: Copy

    NAFISEH GOLESTANI, MEHDI KHAKZAND, MOHSEN FAIZI, and BAGHER KARIMI, “Increasing Perception of the Environment in the Historical Context of for the Social Stability of the Neighborhoods (Case Study: "Baazarche-ye-Fil" Pass in Es'haagh Beig Neighborhoods and HajZeinal Pass in Sang-e Siah and Sare_dozak Neighborhoods of Shiraz, Iran),” ATHAR, vol. 42, no. 4 , pp. 568–584, 2022, [Online]. Available: https://sid.ir/paper/986435/en

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