Classical approaches toward myths, considering them as some inconsistent, unreal and meaningless forms, radically changed in 19th century under the effect of discoveries in the field of the historical linguistics and the development of the structural method. Under the influence of the linguistic school of Prague, the French structuralism tends toward an analysis of myths. In this analysis, myths are considered as forms containing meanings, emphasizing on the opposition between signified and signifier as it is put in structural linguistics. Thus, the analysis of myths was used as a means to understand the hidden
concepts of the human mind. The main characteristic of political myths is their report, in form as in content, with the universe of power.
Symbols and signs of power look above all for the legitimation of the couple "to order I to obey" among human beings. These signs, as the
Iranian "far" (the Greek charisma) can take some different shapes according to every culture, but carry some similar significances and
generally some comparable aftermaths. The myth of "vai" (the wind) in the ancient Iranian culture and its peers in other cultures, either the neighboring Indo- Iranian cultures or the faraway extreme orient and
resemblances concerning the concept of power. In this article, after a
description of the structural analysis according to Levi-Strauss, this method is used to study the myth of "vai" and the concepts that come with it in different cultures to constitute a general table. The aim of the article is, especially, to demonstrate the "mediatic" dimension of this
political myth.