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سال:1402 | دوره: | شماره: |تعداد مقالات:16

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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اعمال فیلتر

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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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One of the trends in the interpretation of the Holy Quran is the Egyptian New Mu’, tazilite trend or literary interpretation, which, according to the specialization of an exegete or his personal interest, basically explores the literary sciences in the Quran, such as morphology, syntax, vocabulary, and rhetoric, and relying on these literary sciences analyze the verses of the Quran and interpret the Quran. Literary interpretation has gone through significant changes and evolutions and has finally flourished and evolved in the new era. This trend, which started with the appearance of Taha Hussein in Egypt, was continued by Amin Khauli and his student Bint al-Shati and reached its peak in the thoughts of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd. The first goal of these interpretations is the pure literary understanding of the Quran without any preconditions. For this interpretative tendency, indicative elements such as a systematic look at the verses, lack of synonyms, precedence of the Quran over literary rules, respect for the culture of the descent era, opposition to scientific interpretation in a special sense, etc. have mentioned a new identity. In this article, an attempt is made to analyze and explain in detail the function of each element in the interpretation of the Holy Quran with a library study and descriptive-analytical method.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Banari Ali Hemmat | Ahmadloo Muslim



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The role of the motivation process in moral education is one of the most important issues discussed in educational sciences. The Holy Quran, according to its revelatory principles, has components that must be achieved to understand this process,because this process cann’, t be specified correctly before determining them. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the components of the process of motivation in moral education from the perspective of the Holy Quran. These components include the foundations, principles, characteristics, goals, and steps. This article uses the descriptive-analytical method to extract these components from the Holy Quran. The results of the research indicate that the principles of the process of motivating moral education from the perspective of the Holy Quran are monotheism, free will and nature,Principles of this process: Revelation is respect for human beings and balance of body and soul,Characteristics: moderation, applicability and awareness,its goals are to improve the lifestyle, to reach perfection and nearness to God and salvation,The stages of the process of creating motivation in moral education from the perspective of the Holy Quran can be summarized in three stages: the input stage (theoretical and cognitive dimension), the stage of activities (practical and behavioral dimension),output stage (decision making).

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mahdianfar Reza



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The most important type of human learning is learning through observation. Based on this, one of the methods of education is education by model, which can be called the “, model method”, . This method can be implemented in the form of presenting-patterning, receiving-patterning and de-patterning. The human mind is most familiar with the first two methods, and accordingly, the largest amount of research is devoted to these two methods,but by contemplation on the verses of the Quran, we come to the third way of implementing model training, which is model-removing. This method is a type of negative education method compared to the positive method in which the principle of “, preparation and attractiveness”,is more important. As the main orientation of the negative strategy is “, discovery”,methods instead of “, acquisition”,or “, avoidance”,instead of “, prescription”, ,because in the negative method and avoidance strategy, one becomes “, self-restrained”,from any kind of imposition of values from outside. Since this method is based on extracting and exploring the content of the audience by removing obstacles to growth, intending to blossom and reveal his hidden capabilities, the importance of research in this matter becomes clear. The present research was organized to draw the attention of educators to this implementation method of training, a model that has received less attention from researchers and educators. Therefore, by referring to the verses of the Quran and the commentators’,point of view, while describing the method of de-patterning in the Quran, it has been explained and analyzed from the perspective of the Quran. According to the findings of the research, de-patterning in the Quran can be implemented in two more detailed ways. In the first form, by expressing the characteristics and finally the negative patterns, it creates a kind of boredom in the teacher, which is the result of de-patterning. In the second case, it has explicitly pointed to de-patterning to its objective cases.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Epistemology is a scale and measurement criterion. In the science of the school of human relations management, the quality of organizational phenomena is measured by science and the position of science itself is also measured by epistemology. Epistemology is related to understanding the roots, contexts, nature and validity of sciences. Therefore, among the foundations of the mentioned school, one of the most important ones is epistemology as the axis and circuit of analysis of many management processes and organizational issues, without its correct understanding, organizations may face a serious challenge in facing individuals and also, the direction of their behavior in the organization should be faced. Epistemology in the mentioned school is formed from four components namely nature, subject, tool, source and validity, which are examined and criticized in this article using the inferential (istintaqi) method. The findings of the research indicate that the Holy Quran did not consider only reliance on reason and human findings to be sufficient for knowledge, and that experience, sense and induction are the first steps for complete and sure knowledge, which relies on heart faith, intellectual and narrative proofs (Quran and Sunnah) which has a realistic nature with two vertical views (with the Creator) and horizontal (the behavior of the creature and the whole being),from the Quran’, s point of view, the tools of knowledge are not only inductive, such as observation and experiment, based on human behavior,rather, its sources have a wide range such as revelation, reason, heart, sense and the whole existence, which has unlimited validity and has a different point of view compared to the mentioned school.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Mohammadi Ghulam Jabir



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In this article, the aims of education in the Quran and the formal education system of Pakistan were studied. These goals, according to Pakistan’, s education scientists, are divided into different types. The Research seeks to express the ultimate goal of education from the Quran and then from the perspective of this system and divides the intermediate goals that can be the prelude to the ultimate goal into two individual and social categories. From the perspective of the Quran and the official Pakistani system, these goals have been investigated and it has been concluded that some of the goals stated in the official system have not been documented in the Quran. But the ultimate goal of this official system was in the words of its founder, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, in his speeches. Divine piety and the like are also expressed.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Farahani Mahdi | taban jafar | Khoshbeen Shoshnazar Sayyed Karim



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In this article, which was done with a library method and in an analytical way, the goal is to examine the phenomenon of indoctrination more closely, especially in its negative aspect, and to know the elements that cause indoctrination in some people from the perspective of the Quran and psychology. In fact, the question is, what factors play a role in creating indoctrination in people, and is indoctrination itself a negative or positive phenomenon? These elements are fatalism and luck, in which a person attributes any failure or success to supernatural and natural affairs and considers his/her will and role as futile. Dreams, imagination and hypnosis, are considered a kind of indoctrination, but they should not be used to deceive people. Pain relief, in which some people, in the face of difficult events, instead of relying on science and logic, use superstitions to soothe their psyche. Instead of diagnosis, in which people try to make the best decision with the least amount of time and cost in the face of uncertainty, they turn to augur and prediction, etc. The projection mechanism, in this case too, people try to attribute their mental processes, which make them feel unpleasant when thinking about them, to other things. The result of this research showed that the power of these insinuations depends more than anything on the amount of influence and discretion of the individual,The more a person’, s mind and psyche is receptive to such inductions, the more his life will be influenced by this phenomenon. Now, if this indoctrination leads to progress and success in a good matter, it is considered a positive and praised indoctrination, and if it causes distress and stagnation in life, it is considered a negative and forbidden indoctrination,either from the point of view of religion and the Quran or from the point of view of psychology.

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AMIRI MOHAMMAD | Safari Ali Agha



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Production planning is one of the most important tasks and strategies of production management, which should be taken as a pioneer in terms of quantity and quality considering the requirements of the competitive market promptly and with the most suitable method in various fields of product production. One of the administrators of the monotheistic system whose comprehensive program is prominently reported in the Quran is Hazrat Yusuf (A. S. ). With the design and implementation of a unique production plan, that revelatory leader was aiming for better efficiency of employees, higher quality, more flexibility and improvement of the state of the government and the nation. By taking advantage of the participatory culture, he tried to eliminate the existing damage in the ruling system by institutionalizing the culture of responsibility and in this way the advantages of his plan compared to others in the way of management, organizing affairs, mass production and on time, relying on the level to draw acceptable maintenance quality and supply chain and so on to solve organizational problems and social issues. The present research has discovered and analyzed the production planning of Hazrat Yusuf (A. S. ) by relying on revealed data and using the literature of organization and management science and using the content analysis method. The results and findings of the research indicate that the model used by Hazrat Yusuf (A. S. ) in a three-stage process, in addition to providing biological needs and social well-being, has brought spiritual excellence and progress in spiritual dimensions, and today it can be considered as the most important in organizational planning, the effective and efficient model.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Hosseini Neyshaburi Seyyed Ali Akbar | Mousavi Nasab Sayed Mohammad Reza | Zarean mohammad javad



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One type of learning is exploratory learning, in which the learner is the main center. This type of learning has existed for a long time and has not been documented, but it has been receiving the attention of many educators for some time. Exploratory learning is one of the issues of educational psychology, which is one of the educational sciences. The mentioned learning in the Quran has been given special attention and the title of the current research is “, methods of training exploratory learning in the field of legal rulings from the perspective of the Holy Quran”, . The purpose of this article is to analyze and examine the methods of exploratory learning from the perspective of the Quran in the field of legal rulings,how was this method used in the Holy Quran and what effects did it have? This research has been compiled by descriptive-analytical method and inferential thematic interpretation (interdisciplinary) to explain exploratory learning methods,the results of the research indicate that various methods of this method have been used in the Holy Quran to teach the topics of legal rulings. In the exploratory learning theory of Jerome Bruner (American psychologist), only the method of questioning and answering is mentioned in general, but in the Holy Quran, several methods are mentioned, the most important of which are: the method of comparison, parable, storytelling, precedence and dependence, summarizing. To achieve exploratory learning, the teacher must use the above methods so that the teacher is forced to think, as a result, the learning becomes deeper and leads to creativity and innovation.

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Abbas Ghulam | Said Razi Mohammad Hussein



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One of the concerns of Islamic educators is to train the students in the economic field from the perspective of the Quran. In this regard, the First step is to explain the goals of economic education in the view of the Quran. In this way, other components of economic education, such as principles and methods, should be directed. Instructors for economic education need to First set goals for economic education. The goal of this research is to collect the goals stated by God Almighty in the Quran regarding economic education and present them in a scientific framework. To be used by those involved in education and educators to try to achieve these goals. The method of writing this research is descriptive and analytical. In this way, the most used three interpretations are Namoona, Al-Mizan and Atiab ul-Bayan interpretation. In this research, eleven goals that the Quran has stated in relation to social economics. social goals of economic education or related to insight, including identifying socio-economic laws and regulations, providing insight into the spiritual growth of the student, public welfare society, etc. . Or it is related to the tendency which includes encouraging the students to serve others, the tendency of the student to develop the world in the direction of judgment day, etc. Or it is related to the action. Invitations the student to social justice, directing the student to reform the society, guide the student fostering a work culture and preventing thestudent from Religion sale.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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“, Faith”,and “, attitude”,are the most important concepts in religious teachings and social psychology, respectively. The result of the connection between the subject area of attitude in social psychology and Quranic studies in the field of faith makes the term “, faithful attitude”, ,an attitude that is formed with a Quranic approach and based on the theories of attitude formation in psychology, towards the belongings of faith. Using the descriptive-analytical method, based on the theory of cognitive dissonance, which is one of the most important patterns known in social psychology for the formation and change of attitudes, the concept of faith attitude and the factors affecting its formation have been reviewed through divine verses. And by adhering to the tools of an interdisciplinary study, it extracts these components. Based on the findings of this research, the Quran introduces factors such as “, challenging of the prophets”, , “, paying attention to the essentials of beliefs”, , “, emphasis on the honor and dignity of the believer”,as well as obstacles such as “, selective acceptance of the content of religion”, , “, scorning sin and its consequences”, , and “, following suspicion”,through the theory of cognitive dissonance seeks to strengthen people’, s faith attitude.

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Riahi Mehr Baqir | Sepehri Fard Hussein



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One of the most important educational methods mentioned in the verses of the Holy Quran for human education and excellence is “, divine traditions”, . The divine tradition is a fixed, unchanging, inclusive, comprehensive and permanent divine method. Divine traditions are awakening and motivational and assist a person to do good and avoid evil. The correct understanding of the divine traditions makes the members of the Islamic society and, consequently, the society as a whole, distinguish the right path from the wrong path and achieve its lofty goal in the school of Islam, which is the exaltation of mankind. Therefore, the current research deals with the topic of the “, educational role of divine traditions in Surah Ankabut”,with a descriptive-analytical method and by collecting information using a library method and content analysis. The results of the research indicate that Surah Ankabut is among the surahs expressing divine traditions. In this sura, God the Almighty mentions some divine traditions such as the tradition of divine punishment for the wicked (the people of Shoaib, the people of Aa’, d and Thamud, Qarun and Pharaoh) and also the tradition of saving nations after trials and tribulations. The traditions of God’, s coercion and mercy, which are stated in Surah Ankabut, play an important educational role for the audience of the Holy Quran, in such a way that by remembering and reminding these divine traditions, mankind refuses to continue in wrong and sinful ways and is liberated. From the path of sinners, s/he chooses the path of righteousness and final perfection and evangelizes God’, s merciful traditions, like the tradition of saving nations after trials and tribulations, which also causes encouragement and hope for people to endure hardships. In other words, the accurate knowledge of these divine traditions in Surah Ankabut can assist the individual of the Islamic society in the path of education and excellence, and by knowing the causes of the tradition of punishment, refrain from its causes and provide the means of excellence for the Islamic society.

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Mahmoudi Mustafa



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Progress and the development of tourism (mass) derived from the western materialistic worldview in recent years have brought unfavorable and inappropriate consequences in many areas, but Islamic countries usually face cultural challenges to developing this type of tourism,Therefore, Muslim thinkers can provide solutions to solve this problem, one of which is to provide an alternative model following the recommendations of the Holy Quran. It is intended that in this article, by identifying and categorizing the verses of the Holy Quran, we will provide the best tourism recommendations to tourists and Islamic tourism activists per human nature. This research uses descriptive-analytical and library methods to collect data. Examining the verses of the Quran showed that God mentions four types of travel with the names: 1) travel, 2) tourism, 3) emigration, and 4) pilgrimage, and gives practical advice to tourists and activists by introducing religious models and rational examples. Tourism places,things like choosing a travel guide, practices while traveling, protecting the environment and avoiding extravagance.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Educational exegesis is one of the types of scientific exegesis that researchers and thinkers of Quranic sciences and exegesis have paid much attention to in recent decades and have researched, discussed and commented on its various sections and topics. One of these sections and topics is the definition of educational interpretation, which some researchers have tried so far in this field, and each of them has given a special definition of it based on their understanding of the word “, education”, . These definitions can draw meaning, topic, domain and different tasks for educational interpretation. But on the one hand, due to their contradictions and on the other hand, due to the lack of complete compliance with the logical and strategic criteria of the definition, they are open to criticism and have many shortcomings. Correcting these deficiencies requires drawing correct criteria for defining educational interpretation. To eliminate the shortcomings of past definitions and achieve a more comprehensive and correct framework for defining educational interpretation, the present article presents a model for defining educational interpretation by using the logical criteria of definition and the method of conceptual analysis. According to previous definitions, it is more efficient and can be a basis for explaining and drawing the structure, nature and geometry of educational interpretation. In this regard, it concludes that the correct definition of the term “, educational interpretation”,is based on the correct understanding and analysis of the word “, education”,(“, tarbiyat”, ) in this term, which by removing the general meaning from its scope and defining it as “, specialized science of education”,can correctly clarify the subject, scope, purpose and main tasks of educational interpretation.

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Many thinkers believe that basing the Quran and new and up-to-date interpretations of it is a way to respond to new issues and preserve religious values and beliefs. Many commentaries were written with this concern, among them, some endeavored to use the basics of the social approach, and some did the interpretation regardless of the specific rules and basics of this approach, the latter considered them as social commentators,in this article, a comparative analysis is done. We provide two interpretations with a social approach. In this article, we have examined the compatibility of the two interpretations of “, Min-Huda al-Quran”,and “, Al-Kashif”,with the basics of the social approach (eliminating doubts from the Islamic face, proving the ability of the Quran to respond to the social requirements of the time with an educational-guidance point of view)., and the result obtained from the analysis of these two interpretations shows that the interpretation of Min Hadi al-Quran-Tafsir Hidayat-as the name of the commentary suggests, is an attempt to respond to the issues of the day by considering the aspect of education and guidance more than other categories, and the late Mughniyyah in Tafsir Kashif, by using the interpretations and sayings of the predecessors, seeks to discover the meaning of the verse and adapt it to the needs of the society today.

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Alavi (Adeli) Mohammad | Norouzi Mohammad Taqi | Mehrabi Amir Hamza



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The importance and role of human resources in achieving the goals of organizations has caused many efforts to be made in the last few decades in common management to design employee empowerment models, despite the need for the existence of empowerment models derived from the teachings of the Holy Quran. As well as the many discussions and conversations that have taken place in this field among seminary and university theorists, unfortunately, there is still less attention paid to how to train and empower human resources and the factors that affect the Quranic fruitfulness. The purpose of the present research,presenting and explaining the model of factors affecting the empowerment of human resources from the perspective of the Quran means extracting its concepts and components from the teachings of the Holy Quran. This goal has been pursued using the research method “, Data-based Theory”, . Therefore, the data of the present research,based on this method, were coded in three stages (open, central and selective coding). The research findings were the identification of 254 concepts, 24 components and 3 dimensions. The findings of the research indicate the achievement of a model of empowerment, which has three factors (individual, organizational and environmental) effective on the empowerment of human resources, individual factors,including tact and foresight,diligence and perseverance,knowledge and skills, etc., organizational factors include: meritocracy,delegation of authority and respect and appreciation, etc., environmental factors include: organizational culture and values,the existence of behavioral patterns,the economic status of the organization,The cultural-social situation of the organization and the political-security situation of the organization.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 22

مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesدانلود 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesاستناد 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesمرجع 0


اطلاعات دوره: 
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In this research, an attempt has been made to provide an intellectual model for higher education directors based on the teachings of the Quran with an emphasis on the interpretation of Al-Mizan. For this purpose, a mixed exploratory research method has been used and the result has been 11 organizing themes with 75 basic themes. In this regard, first, by referring to Al-Mizan interpretation, data collection is performed to obtain a research model, and data analysis, which includes basic themes, organizing themes, and comprehensive themes. According to the identified basic themes, a researcher-made questionnaire made by higher education directors was designed to validate the model. A confirmatory factor analysis approach was used to validate the model and Cronbach’, s alpha coefficient (0. 918) and sampling adequacy (0. 807) using SPSS22 software indicate the optimal reliability of the questionnaire. The statistical population of the study is 656 people, including all directors of higher education in seminaries in the five clusters of north, south, east, west, and center of the country that the statistical sample in the quantitative section was determined by the number of 242 people based on Morgan's table. Based on the research findings, the organizing themes are self-purification, the purification of innate, acceptance of the true religion and the Prophet, worthy and Islamic choice, knowledge of God, piety, sincere hope, Quranic study, travel, and thinking on earth and comprehensive supervision, knowledge and understanding of the truth of meanings and intentions, refusing selfishness and having safe intellectual interaction.

آمار یکساله:   مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

بازدید 21

مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesدانلود 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesاستناد 0 مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resourcesمرجع 0
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