Generally speaking Iran possesses high tourism potentialities. However, its tourism performance is negligible. It is argued that globalization through deregulation movement, and improvement in transportation and telecommunication could drastically increase international tourist receipt and transform the industry. In addition, the magnitude of international tourists is being partially influenced by host community's peculiarities. This study maintains that, the level of security, cultural attractions, and cultural contrasts are among some of the most determinant factors in the era of globalization. The impact of computerization, price of air travel, accommodation costs, and tourism advertisement level as driving forces regarding international tourists should not be undermined.The major objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of these factors upon Kerman tourist's interviewees. Data analysis was made through correlation regression techniques and k-square. This paper suggests that the level of tourism promotion and advertisement, cultural-historical attractions, and cultural contrasts are positively correlated with tourist's choice of destination and travel motivation at 0.05 significant levels. However, air transportation costs, and political instability are negatively correlated factors.Application of k-square techniques suggests the meaningfulness of virtually all of the mentioned factors at 0.05 significant levels. Finally, the, articulation of reciprocal effects of tourism and globalization and proposing of a model to increase the competitiveness of Iran as a tourism destination target is among other objectives of this paper.