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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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    3 (پیاپی 82)
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تولایی سیمین

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    3 (پیاپی 82)
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صنعت گردشگری در ایران علیرغم داشتن جاذبه های فراوان نقش بسیار ناچیزی در اقتصاد کشور ایفا می کند. این در حالی است که جهانی شدن از طریق مرززدایی، تسهیل در مقررات آمد و شد، و بهبود امر حمل و نقل و ارتباطات می تواند در افزایش گردشگران بین المللی و تحول این صنعت بسیار موثر باشد. تعداد گردشگر بین المللی دریافت شده در یک کشور علاوه بر آنکه تحت تاثیر تحولات فناورانه جهانی و ویژگی های کیفی جامعه مبدا قرار داد، از خصوصیات جامعه میزبان نیز تاثیر مضاعفی می پذیرد. نویسنده بر این باور است که امنیت و تنش های سیاسی حاکم در جامعه میزبان، جاذبه های تاریخی فرهنگی و تضادهای فرهنگی میان جامعه میزبان و مبدا از جمله عوامل تعیین کننده در عرصه گردشگری در عصر جهانی شدن محسوب می شوند. البته هرگز نباید از تاثیرات فناوری رایانه در عرصه سفر، هزینه های اقامتگاهی و حمل و نقل و میزان تبلیغات مربوط به گردشگری در جامعه میزبان نیز در راستای جذب گردشگر بین المللی غافل ماند.هدف اصلی این مقاله ارزیابی میزان تاثیر عوامل فوق الذکر بر تعداد گردشگر بین المللی وارده در کرمان می باشد. تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از روش همبستگی و آزمون مجذور برخی امکان پذیر گردید. بر اساس یافته های این مقاله، مقدار تبلیغات اعمال شده در خصوص گردشگری، میزان جاذبه های گردشگری و تضادهای فرهنگی میان جوامع مبدا و جامعه میزبان رابطه مستقیم با انتخاب ایران به عنوان مقصد گردشگری در سطح معنی داری 0.05 دارد. از سوی دیگر هزینه حمل و نقل، میزان ناآرامی های سیاسی نیز دو متغیری هستند که در سطح معنی داری 0.05 رابطه منفی با انگیزه سفر به کشور ایران دارند. همچنین بر اساس آزمون مجذور برخی تقریبا اکثر فرضیات تحقیق در سطح معنی داری 0.05 مورد تایید هستند. مقاله همچنین سعی بر مروری بر ادبیات گردشگری و جهانی شدن و افزایش میزان توان رقابتی ایران و ارایه مدلی در این خصوص دارد.

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  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Frontier passing permissions plan through "understanding note" were enacted in 1989 between former Soviet Union & Islamic republic of Iran .This in turn, facilitated back and forth movement of two involved countries border residents. Based on this agreement, frontier residents of both countries through awarding of this permission can penetrate to the mate country up to 45 km four times a year.The main objective of this piece of "understanding note" which were effective after Soviet Union collapse (1991) between Turkmenistan & Azerbaijan was tendency toward increasing collaborations between two countries taking into consideration their adjacency and frontier residents' willingness for establishing contacts. Performance of this plan led to people's and goods movement as well as diffusion of information. It is followed by establishing frontier markets in Bajgeeran and sarakhs. This article aimed to comparatively investigate the viability of this type of movement permissions arrangement between Iran and Turkmenistan (Khorasan Province). It tried to find out that to what extent theses objectives were fulfill? Research methods were based on documentary research, interview ,filling questionnaire by in and out movers and internet searches. It is suggested that ,this plan to a great extent has been successful regarding establishment of interactions and contacts between corresponding agents as well as expansion of bilateral collaborations.

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    3 (82)
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Following the inadequacy of indicators in determining growth and development, the complex Human Development index (HDI) was introduced for the first time in 1990 by the specialists of the UN Department of Civil development Program (UNDP), The index includes measures such as, life expectancy, literacy, and per capita income and the maximum and minimum extremes of them are used in its assessment. In this paper the rural areas of Iran will be analysed through the application of the HDI techniques to identify the development level of rural areas in a hierachial system. The results could be used as data base for regional development planning process.Deprivation and Human Development indexes indicate advantages as well as disadvantages in the rural areas. They can also be used as a basis to eliminate the inequalities seen in the region. Obviously, knowledge about these inequalities among different areas in rural regions can be of great help in presenting appropriate ways to increase the success rate of programs and development plans within and without the regions.Based on the results of Deprivation Index, the most deprived rural areas of Iran consist of, Sistan and Baluchistan (0.941), Kurdistan (0.740), Ilam (0.699), Kohgilooye and Boyer Ahmad (0.678), Zanjan (0.667), West Azarbayejan (0.631), Hormozgan (0.599).In comparison, regarding HDI values, the following provinces are found to be the first to the fifth ranks: Tehran (1), Fars (0.884), Isfahan (0.791), Yazd (0.740) and Gilan (0.736.) To sum up, HDI classification indicates that Kurdistan, Sistan and Baluchistan provinces are extreme4' deprived and 11 provinces or 43.85 percent of them, are deprived, and 8 others or 33.3%, which have strong HDI indexes, are known as developed provinces. Fars, Tehran and Isfahan, are extremely developed, according to the HDI.So, 13 provinces or 54.14 % of the studied provinces are deprived, and extremely deprived according to HDI.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Familiarity with different dimensions of urban land use planning is being considered as an appropriate tool for preceding urban objectives as well as overcoming urban problems. In real sense, land use planning as a prototype is being exemplified itself in urban plans .This paper tried to comparatively evaluates and critiques five books with the general heading of "Urban Land use planning" published within 1998-2002 time period. More specifically, this article aimed to present extent, complexity and variation of a common concept, that is ,urban land use planning through description and explanation of their authors. Needless to say that the general main purpose of their authors by proposing these books' strengths and weaknesses is to increase the scientific load of these writings.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Annexation of villages located in the vicinity of cities is common phenomena in most of the large cities.This in turn resulted in urban horizontal expansion. It is argued that some of these villages which were encountered with ownership conflicts as well as possession of long social and historical roots could no longer adapted to urban fabric. These localities which used to be live and populous now embodied within cities and converted into special type of informal settlements. These are totally different from prevailing informal squatters growing in the rime of this cities.The development and expansion of these settlements within cities is associated with incapable urban planning and management system regarding Provision of sufficient lands for low income group, law restriction of urban plans and illegal ownerships and occupancy.Study area, Ghaleh abkouh- Mashhad, once was a village in a vicinity of Mashhad dated back 1721. AD. Hundreds years later, the second nuclei of this village named Saad-abad located 3 hundred meters to the east of former village was formed. These two villages went under annexation process and become consolidated locality comprised of fairly dilapidated and dense organic fabric located in the center of Mashhad 7 kilometers to the west of Imam Reza holly shrine. The present occupants possess fairly long history of settlements with an average of 22 years. However, there exist some native residents as well .The settlers possess strong kinship relations so that over 56% of residents had over 4 relatives in Ghaleh Abkouh.There exists strong tendency (72%) toward residing in this locality.Detailed Mashhad Plan (Khazeni) enacted in 1975.AD.Due to the existence of too many deedless plots which are not eligible for construction permission it was condemned to fail. Thus, this settlement predominantly preserved its old organic physical structure. Attitude of formal owners and Mashhad municipality for evacuation of this area and its assignment for high bid economic activity are major reasons for city plans to be unsuccessful. Migration of non-natives to this locality and lack of appropriate plan to take into account all of beneficiaries would institutionalize this unorganized and informal squatters. In short, this locality taking into consideration all of its specifications well justified the existence of informal settlements.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Tehran as a huge metropolitan is confronted with immeasurable urban problems including environmental pollution, ecological degradation, endangering carrying capacity, resource depletion, and incapable urban management and administrative system.These problems are well justified by the existence of unsustainable ecologic al condition of this metropolitan. Due to existence of organic and systematic space within cities, unsustainability has led to diminishment of ecological potentials. Obviously, metropolitan such as Tehran requires a very supportive hinterland for provision of its needed inputs as well as a place to dispose its waste and garbage.Any imbalance toward its ecological stability may alter those mechanisms and collapse the city. Current Tehran's consumption and production patterns from one hand, and its unsustainable environment from other hand, would make the city disabled in meeting its population essential needs. Current urban planning as well as future planning undermined this matter. In other words, Tehran's administrative and management system does not equipped with appropriate tools to reconcile with its ecological potential of the city. The major objective of this article is to propose a method in order to achieve sustainability in metropolitans. This method is known as "ecological foot print". London as one of the target of this method has been used as sample. From methodological standpoint this study relies on documentary information, personal observation and interviews surveying of food groups, housing, and transportation and service activities. Furthermore, all kind of land uses was considered in order to determine the ecological consequences of the city.It is argued that through, comprehensive and empirical evaluation of unsustainability issue and the analysis of its responsible causes, city planners may come up with optimum urban managerial system to achieve sustainability.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Urban employment in Iran today is a great challenge for which the city of Zabol is not an exception. The formal sector of the economy is incapable of providing, sufficient job opportunities. Therefore, people who are jobless will be absorbed in informal sector of the economy.The Major objective of this paper is to investigate Zabol informal occupations with particular emphasis upon their status, extent and determination of their relationships with physical, economic, social and political events of the region.This study was conducted during winter and its research method was based on interviews.It suggests that drought occurrence through its negative agricultural consequences has intensified the rate of rural occupations in informal sectors.This situation has been enhanced through arrival of Afghani labors and is justified by Zabol frontier positions as well as drought occurrence and its consequences.

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    3 (82)
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Recognition of rural areas potentialities as well as determination of development levels is the first step regarding planning and development issues. This article tries to determine Kamiaran rural areas development levels using infrastructure, health, cultural, educational, economic and demographic indicators. Morise model with 34 corresponding indicators along with CV method were applied to determine development level and its magnitude.According to the finding, there exists high inequality and imbalance regarding corresponding indicators of Kamiaran lagging regions. Based on development scale, one of its rural areas is placed on developed, five on developing level and finally one on less-developed level scale.

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (82)
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Generally speaking Iran possesses high tourism potentialities. However, its tourism performance is negligible. It is argued that globalization through deregulation movement, and improvement in transportation and telecommunication could drastically increase international tourist receipt and transform the industry. In addition, the magnitude of international tourists is being partially influenced by host community's peculiarities. This study maintains that, the level of security, cultural attractions, and cultural contrasts are among some of the most determinant factors in the era of globalization. The impact of computerization, price of air travel, accommodation costs, and tourism advertisement level as driving forces regarding international tourists should not be undermined.The major objective of this study is to evaluate the impact of these factors upon Kerman tourist's interviewees. Data analysis was made through correlation regression techniques and k-square. This paper suggests that the level of tourism promotion and advertisement, cultural-historical attractions, and cultural contrasts are positively correlated with tourist's choice of destination and travel motivation at 0.05 significant levels. However, air transportation costs, and political instability are negatively correlated factors.Application of k-square techniques suggests the meaningfulness of virtually all of the mentioned factors at 0.05 significant levels. Finally, the, articulation of reciprocal effects of tourism and globalization and proposing of a model to increase the competitiveness of Iran as a tourism destination target is among other objectives of this paper.

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